Give me a sign

Back at it in Barretto again. As they say, if the shoe fits, wear it. Mine are plenty comfortable. The Tuesday routine starts with grocery shopping. Nothing exciting about that, just a weekly chore that feels good when it’s done. Yesterday, I wore my Trump T-shirt to the supermarket. I ran into an American acquaintance there, and we had a brief chat. Then another Yank neither of us knew approached and asked out of the blue if I thought Trump would rescue Duterte, the former Philippines president, from the clutches of the UN’s International Criminal Court. I responded that I hadn’t heard anything about Trump intervening and shared my opinion that Duterte had done some fucked up shit, but I didn’t think it was appropriate for the ICC to get involved–leave it to the Filipino people to decide what, if anything, deserves prosecution. The stranger seemed to agree with that approach, and we all got on with the shopping. I’m glad he wasn’t one of those insane folks suffering from TDS.

With nothing better to do, I made a video of the drive back to Barretto. It’s an eleven-minute trip.

But wait, you think that was boring? How about my after-shopping neighborhood walk? No, I didn’t make a video of that journey, but I did take photos of the national parks I encountered along the way.

I started and finished on Bryce where I reside.
Then, a stroll down Roosevelt
A short visit to Alta Vista
Then on to Acadia
I found myself in Crater Lake
And then there was the Everglades
Passed by Mount Rainier, but the weather was dry
I used to live on Shenandoah
Mesa Verde is just a cul-de-sac
Denali is a street without houses
And Grand Canyon takes me back home

Wasn’t that fun?

That’s what the 4.5K trek looks like from a Google perspective

Alright, now that we got that out of the way, who wants to go to the beach?

New signage on the highway
Swan in her element
The view from the floating bar upon arrival
The view on the floating bar. Another busy Tuesday, glad things are going well for Kokomo’s.
The closet we got to a sunset

Nothing out of the ordinary on the floater, just an enjoyable way to pass the time rocking on the water, enjoying the music, and, of course, imbibing some beers. As is our custom, at sundown, we moved to Treasure Island for dinner.

When we go out, we always bring along some treats for the folks who serve us. What we get a kick out of at TI is that instead of just helping themselves to the bounty as happens at other venues, the girls carefully divide the cookies and lollipops into stacks for each girl so they all get an equal share. Ain’t that sweet?
Swan and I shared an order of enchiladas…
…and some chicken wings

To clarify, we split one enchilada and brought the other home. Three wings each, and the rest for takeout. I had some wings for breakfast this morning. And after checking my calorie intake for the day, I saw some room for dessert, so I baked up a batch of brownies when we got back home.

Made it! I’ll take that as a sign.

Today’s journey through the LTG archives brought me to this post from September 2005, where I honored my daughter on the occasion of her 30th birthday. It’s a worthy entry in The Story of My Life.

In 1976, the USA was 200 years old, and I was 21 and still living in California. No computer, no internet. The only technology in the house was my frickin’ calculator. And yes, we had a pink refrigerator (bought at the second-hand store) with poodles. Those were the days.

Yesterday’s YouTube video talked about why expats were fleeing the Philippines. Today’s YouTube talks about why they are coming. I report, you decide.

Maybe these will put a smile on your face:

She’s never been to the Mojave desert
Sounds like she should be your ex-girlfriend, then
I always wanted to get a dog in Korea and name it Bosintang. It would be fun to call him to dinner.

And that’s all there is for today’s post. I’ll be back tomorrow with more of this goodness.

1 thought on “Give me a sign

  1. Hallo Sir John,

    Do you remembered me? Your best friend, Koko?

    Happy Birthday to your loveliest daughter.

    When will you introducibg her to your sweetheart.? It will be romantic and exciting like an episode of the funniest Big Beng Theories!!!

    Soon it will be Pasko ng Pagkabuhay, the most lovely time of the year when Christ is risen. Will you attend the church congregation to honor Him. It is such a special time and you are always welcome to attend and give praise. But please, no rude Hash Hiuse Hurriers t-shirts he he.

    Maraming nagmamahal, aking magandang kaibigan,

    Your friend forever,


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