Another day, another walk. Later on, I got a chelation injection. And in a refreshing change of pace, I visited zero bars yesterday. Not to worry, I had Zeros at home and took them with me to a gathering with the next-door neighbors. Here’s some of what I saw as I made my way through another Thursday in paradise.

No issues with the needle Dr. Jo stuck in my vein. She commented on my recently lowered blood pressure (110/70 yesterday) and that my reduced dosage of bp meds will relieve strain on my kidneys. Next week is the final round in this chelation session (two injections, one IV). After that, I’ll have my blood work done again to see if I’m getting results like lowered blood sugar. Here’s hoping!
The neighborhood gathering at Jeff and Devina’s was a day at the races theme. That horse racing board game is their second favorite social activity after karaoke.

We played three rounds, and I was lucky enough to win once.

I went a little crazy when we got back home…

Today’s weigh-in has me at 231.7, up from 231.6. Not too bad, considering my recent lack of discipline. Hopefully, the downward journey will resume this week.
Back in April 2005, I wrote about having The Rainy Day Blues after a night of overindulgence while playing pool in Itaewon. It does have a familiar ring to it. One of the things I’m enjoying about these long-ago posts is the comments, like this one from my then-wife:
Here is a better idea. Don’t go to bars except on odd occasions. You never use to go to bars. You sat at home and played Civ III or blogged. You filled up your entire evenings and weekends. Maybe we could play virtual scrabble or cards. Look in to it before you develop a habit that I simply will not tolerate when you return home. Sorry to sound so much like a wife, but I am the wife.
She’d hate my life in the Philippines.

Here’s a headline from five years ago that would lead to a scamdemic overreaction by the local authorities here in the Philippines.

I’ll be turning seventy years old in August (assuming nothing goes wrong before then), so today’s YouTube video about seven signs predicting how long you’ll live after that milestone caught my eye. I’m happy to report that I’m doing just fine in six of those categories. Standing on one leg for ten seconds is something I need to work on. Of course, getting squashed trying to cross the National highway or falling off a cliff while hiking would negate all those positive signs. My plan remains to keep living until I die. Wish me luck with that!
Maybe you’ll find these funny:

And that’s all he wrote. For today, anyway. Who knows what the future holds?
Oh, what a tangled web we weave…
Spider or caterpillar? Looks more like caterpillar webbing to me.
Feeding another stray
That there’s a skinny little dawg.
Food at the get-together all looked good.
The sun at five p.m. when we started
My favorite sunset pic of this set.
Don’t go to bars except on odd occasions. You never use to go to bars. You sat at home and played Civ III or blogged. You filled up your entire evenings and weekends.
So all that stuff about growing up in bars was horseshit?? If it wasn’t horseshit, the fact that you avoided the bar culture for years, then plunged (back) into the culture, means it wasn’t always this way. You could still find something better to do with your life than to spend so much effort trying to drown it out chemically.
She’d hate my life in the Philippines.
so today’s YouTube video about seven signs predicting how long you’ll live after that milestone caught my eye.
All hail the AI voice!
I’ll stick with the brown bread here in the PI
Damn. I’ve got similar images, with the same jokes, scheduled to publish.
Chelation seems to be going well. I’ll be curious to read what the final results of this round are. And whether you’ll be continuing.
Please sir John not to be gay. Gay have no placings on the world, thank you
Cherry, I’m a happy man, but I’m not gay. Not that there is anything wrong with it.
Kev, I’m not a web expert, but that doesn’t look like a spider’s creation.
Nope, the beer joints I frequented with my father throughout my childhood are facts of my life. I became a father at 20 before I was of legal drinking age. Raising kids didn’t leave much time for nightlife. During the “Carol” phase of my life, I got up at 6 a.m. for the long-ass commute to DC and didn’t arrive back home until after 6 p.m. I’d have dinner, do the ‘net, and hit the sack. I did enjoy beer and wine at home though. When I moved to Korea, I started playing in the pool and dart leagues, and that kicked off my bar life. To reiterate, alcohol has always been a part of my life, drinking regularly in bars came later.
Yeah, I hate those AI voiceovers, and this one was more irritating than most. I’ll be avoiding that vlog in the future.
I’m not sure how much of my current good health is attributable to chelation. I’m looking forward to seeing the updated blood work as a measure of chelation’s value.