Here we go again.
I was never really into Kool-Aid as a kid, but nowadays, as a thinking adult, I apparently drink it all the time. Who knew?

Speaking of the truth, despite Facebook’s Zuckerfuck claiming a newfound love for freedom of speech, it seems like business as usual on that platform.

Meanwhile, life goes on, and I don’t give a fuck. Here’s how I filled the hours yesterday:

Here’s a one-minute video that didn’t come out quite right:
If there is a way to flip this around, I can’t find it.
My second effort turned out better:
Anyway, I probably need to get a clip-on mobile camera instead of trying to use my phone.

Back at the house, Swan comes in and says, “Look what I found.”

We went to the SOB at Green Room last night. It had been a month or so since our previous attendance. Nothing much has changed. Here’s a short video clip I took of the host bar’s routine:
I chose gin and soda last night as my beverage of choice and was disciplined enough to limit myself to one every thirty minutes. But I drank from 4:00 until 8:00, which proved to be too much of a good thing.

That only happens a couple of times a year, usually when I deviate from beer.

Today’s journey through the past is from the early days of LTG back in 2005. Politics and comment reactions from family members were the order of the day. See for yourself.
Today’s YouTube video from the Filipina Pea tries to provide advice to the “nice guys” who always seem to finish last in relationships. I’ve been down that road too many times, but it seems I’ve finally hit my sweet spot with Swan.
Things I found funny:

And that’s all he wrote. For today, anyway.
It’s all good. Your blog is still fun.
Just realize the distinct difference between not giving a fuck and fooling yourself because it feels good.
Remember: Politicians, the media, and bar girls tend to fib. Some much more than others.
>Anyway, I probably need to get a clip-on mobile camera instead of trying to use my phone.
I have a GoPro and really like it. There is a ton of various attachments to make them hands free. I think they are up to the GoPro13(?) but you should be able to find a used “like new” older model for <$200.
So I guess that, between the first lopsided video and the second corrected video, you’d figured something out. Most excellent.
Yikes, a lot of uphills on that walk. I’d have been one tired mofo. Hats off to all of you.
She said it reminded her of the paper packet in the “Squid Game” initiation. Hmm, if I disappear, you’ll know what happened.
Looks like the origami pattern one sees in ddakji, but thicker.
Just make sure you never lose your income stream from Uncle Sam.
Here’s a short video clip I took of the host bar’s routine:
You obviously zoomed in on your favorite.
But I drank from 4:00 until 8:00, which proved to be too much of a good thing.
Admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving it! This happens way too frequently. I should troll your archives just over the past two years to see how often you’ve written about being flat-on-your-ass drunk. But I’m sure you’ll find a rationalization.
That only happens a couple of times a year, usually when I deviate from beer.
And let the rationalizations begin! “Only.”
Kev, I’m not sure what I did differently. Maybe it was as simple as holding the phone camera horizontally before hitting the record button.
That’s Barbie with the tattooed ass. I personally don’t like it, but I understand she’s pretty popular with the fellas.
Well, if I didn’t acknowledge the rare occasions when I overindulge, that would be a problem. I’m a drinker and have no desire whatsoever to change that. It is a part of my life that I enjoy and look forward to. I strive to maintain my self-imposed limits and drink responsibly. I don’t always succeed, but getting “floored” is a rare event.
Brian, thanks for the GoPro tip. I’ll see what I can find. Swan also says I need to get a microphone.
Drain, I’ve gotten better with age at discerning who the liars out there are, and I take pride in sleuthing out the truth. It’s especially satisfying to be proven right in those assessments like I was with the COVID scamdemic bullshit.
Anyway, as you say, there is no point in letting politics distract from the importance of enjoying your life.