I ain’t afraid of no ghost

Happy Halloween!

That’s a nice trick…
…and here’s your treat!

Now that we have those annual niceties out of the way, let’s get on with today’s post.

I woke up to some scary skies this morning.

It rained just enough to scare me into not walking this morning. I’ll try not to let that happen again.

Swan made me breakfast. This is my last morning of being a bad boy. Promise!

Let’s talk about the goodness of yesterday instead. Starting with the Wednesday Walkers trek in the Naugsol countryside.

The group who made the journey to the start in Michael’s comfy car.
Heading out (I took a pee break so I’m a little behind, but I’m not an ass!)
There is a landfill at the end of this road, and occasionally, a truckload of Trump voters would pass by.
Those twin peaks are the breast!
The dogs were mostly friendly
Walkin’ the riverbank
The Matain River on its way to the bay.
Did I just fart?
The riverside became impassable, so we did a little trespassing. The residents were nice about it, though.
An encounter with wet feet
A cookie delivery
Construction continues on what will one day be a bypass highway around Barretto. Will it be completed in my lifetime? Stay tuned.
I had no idea that Swan was carrying a baggie of dog food to share with the stray dogs (like that one in front of the steamroller).
On up we go
These are comparatively small hills. No one seems to know how and where the road will go up and over Kalaklan Ridge.
The Naugsol valley
It was a little eerie seeing this written in the dirt in the middle of nowhere.
Down in the valley, the valley so low.
A valley view
A tree I liked
Valley living
Every picture tells a story. Swan has been making monthly payments on this piece of land, and she was shocked and dismayed to see the ongoing construction. Hopefully, she’ll get it sorted, but I’m staying out of it. Foreigner intervention in issues like this is not welcome or appreciated.
We saw some cute chicks during our walk
Over Bridge #4 we go
And a stroll through the village of Naugsol near the end of our journey
And for you Easter Mountain fans
Just a tad over 6K on a very pleasant hike.

The cliffhanger on yesterday’s post was whether I’d journey out to the bars under the threat of rain. Those of you who voted “yes” got it right. A few sprinkles on the way, but we were safely inside the confines of The Maze bar complex before the heavy stuff came down.

The rainy view from BarCelona

Finished things up early (before 7:30!) at Green Room, and headed home with some food from Sit-n-Bowl.

I curbed my appetite with a ham sandwich

Then I baked a batch of brownies for an a la mode dessert. There’s a last time for everything it seems.

I was living large and spending generously yesterday. One more day to go this month, so why not?

  • Dinner: 1160 pesos
  • Snacks: 200 pesos
  • Lady Drinks: 840 pesos
  • Charity: 7000 pesos
  • Trike: 200 pesos
  • Tips: 490 pesos
  • Alcohol: 885 pesos
  • Total for October 30: 10,775 pesos

Facebook invited me for a stroll down memory lane today and y’all are welcome to come along:

1974 or so. Rifle in hand, pistol in the holster. Both .22 caliber. This is on a plot of land my folks owned at the time in Perris, California we called “The Filthy Five.” (Five acres, five of us in the family)
In 2005 I was just beginning my working life in Korea. I was part of a great group of people, and the experience changed my life forever.

In the political realm, I’ve discovered that not only am I a Nazi supporter, but I’m also garbage.

So, I guess it is up to the garbage to take out the trash.

I had been planning to dress up as The Invisible Man for Halloween, but I couldn’t see how that would work. Instead, I’m going to try and go out tonight as a garbage bag. Swan is going to help me concoct a costume.

Today’s YouTube video from The Filipina Pea is a little different. She shows a clip from “The View” where those crazed lefties go off about how men need women, but women don’t need men. I know the thought of watching even two minutes of that bullshit show is scary, but hey, it is Halloween. Anyway, Pea interviewed Filipinas on the street, asking questions about needing a man, and they all answered affirmatively. And there you have the reason so many men are fleeing the USA to make the Philippines their home.

And now for the things I find amusing:

You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish
“Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale,
Vexing the dull ear of a drowsy man.”
Those attention getters really work!

There is still a lot of iffy weather out there, but I reckon going out for some Halloween fun is something you can only do once a year. We have tentative plans to start out at It Doesn’t Matter, one of several bars having Halloween parties tonight. The question of the hour for me is whether I can find a way to look like garbage. Or find a bag big enough. Speaking of which, I’ve been doing a little foreshadowing about some changes on the horizon. That horizon arrives tomorrow. See you then!

Ha! It was nice to see and hear this again after all these years…

12 thoughts on “I ain’t afraid of no ghost

  1. Swan made me breakfast. This is my last morning of being a bad boy. Promise!

    Buy some bleached almond flour and have some keto pancakes! They’re not quite as good as regular, but I’d say they’re about 80% as good. Butter can still be used, but for syrup, you can either use a sugar-free or low-carb brand, or you can blitz up some berries, sweeten them with artificial sweetener, and use those on top of your pancakes.

    Almond flour lacks a lot of the properties that make wheat flour so awesome (e.g., gluten for internal structure), but it’s got a third of the carbs of wheat flour, making it a much healthier alternative. Anyway, if you’re interested, I can email you my favorite keto-pancake recipe. Except for the almond flour, I bet you already have all the other ingredients. Rise and structure come mostly from the eggs in the recipe. Say the word.

    The dogs were mostly friendly

    It’s rare to find dogs off the leash and loose in South Korea, but this does happen on occasion. I’m paranoid about loose, strange dogs.

    The riverside became impassable, so we did a little trespassing. The residents were nice about it, though.

    It’s a shame there aren’t more pre-made, manicured, landscaped trails (which can still be hilly, of course!). But I guess the uncharted nature of a lot of these walks can lead to a feeling of pioneering.

    It was a little eerie seeing this written in the dirt in the middle of nowhere.

    At least it didn’t say, “McCrarey, turn back now.”

    We saw some cute chicks during our walk

    I assume you’re punning badly again, but to be clear, them’s ducklingz.

    And for you Easter Mountain fans

    That’s certainly a new picture. Intellesting.

    Those of you who voted “yes” got it right.

    The attraction of alcohol is undeniable.

    …and headed home with some food from Sit-n-Bowl.

    I’ve never bowled while seated. Ham sandwich looks a bit meager. Make a faux Cubano at home and fill it to your heart’s content.

    I’ll be curious to see whether there are any Christmas/Halloween “fusion” attempts in your area, given how early the Christmas season starts.

  2. American men fleeing the USA to take advantage of impoverished women? Good riddance! We don’t want their kind in Kamala’s America! Let’s go Kamala!

  3. It seems this blog has been infiltrated by a few self-righteous woke scolds who don’t get much action.

  4. Mike, Well, I’m embarking on a mission to eat healthier and lose the belly. I’ll eat more than meat, but will say goodbye to my sweet treats and other carby delights. I’ve got a long way to go and a lifetime to get there.

  5. Secret, spoken like a true leftist American woman. Your ignorance and bigotry in calling foreign women you know nothing about “impoverished” and unable to avoid predatory males taking advantage of them is truly a sad reflection of your misguided worldview. But if it wasn’t for stupid voters, Kamala wouldn’t have any support. We’ll find out on Tuesday if the majority of Americans are as dumb as you.

  6. Drain, So it would appear. It’s sad, really. But as I learned long ago, people like Secret aren’t totally worthless–they can always serve as a bad example.

  7. Kev, if it is not a problem, I’d love to share the almond flour recipe with Swan. I’m just hoping I can find almond flour here. I had to order sugar-free pudding through Lazada and pay a premium for it. For the most part, I’m just going to give up the things that are bad for me—except beer, of course, but I’m going to reduce my intake there as well.

    We have lots of stray dogs running wild in the streets, but thankfully, most of them are not aggressive. I go into attack mode with the ones that are, and they have all backed down. So far. I learned as a mailman to stand your ground and show that you are crazier than they are.

    Oh, how I miss those trails when I see your hiking pictures. Even the dirt paths on the mountains are well-maintained there. Ah, life in the first world!

    Geez, the “Sit-n-Bowl” mistake was bad enough. Not catching it during the proofread shows just how addled my brain has become.

    Yeah, a pun doesn’t work well when the basic premise is flawed. Like I give a duck!

    I haven’t seen any fusion with Halloween (other than the random Christmas carols), but this is a big holiday weekend here. It culminates with “All Souls’ Day” tomorrow when the graveyards will be full of family gatherings. There is almost Chuseok-like traffic on the highway this week.

  8. Here’s a link to the keto-pancake recipe. If Swan makes these, she should probably pour out an experimental 1/4 cup of batter first (the sacrificial first pancake), just to understand size and texture. If you like your pancakes bigger, she can probably do 1/3-cup scoops of batter. Personally, though, I started life as a big-pancake guy, but when I started cooking them for myself, I began to realize that the cooking process is easier to control when the pancakes are smaller. For me, the suggested 1/4 cup of batter per pancake is best.

    Suggested non-sugar sweetener: Bocha Sweet. If it’s like here in Korea, Bocha sweet will be shipped in from overseas, and it’s expensive, but since you have no trouble feeling spendy on frivolous things, money ought to be no object when it comes to your health.

    Bocha Sweet gets its name from the kabocha squash, a green, pumpkin-like squash with orange flesh. It’s called 단호박/dan-hobak in Korea (“sweet squash”), and I use it when making pumpkin pie. Real pumpkins do exist in Korea; I’ve seen and photographed them on my walks, and you can buy them in Seoul, but kabocha is easier to find. Anyway, kabocha has apparently long been known by the Japanese to be a “healthier” squash because of its non-sugary sweet elements. Even though Bocha Sweet has that spearmint “cooling” effect on the tongue (like erythritol), it’s fine when you mix it with other ingredients, like in a pancake batter.

    If you can’t find Bocha Sweet and the PI has its own non-sugar sweeteners, stick to those, as long as it’s a sweetener that can tolerate cooking. Some can’t; they denature into bad-for-you chemical sludge. Read up on your sweeteners.

    I hope you like the recipe. I really don’t think it’s bad at all.

  9. Kev, forwarded the links to Swan and after some searching, she found almond flour online and has ordered some. She also found other keto products she wants to try, including sweeteners.

    Thanks again!

  10. Brian, I couldn’t make it out or it made no sense. My a desperate message to a lover, but who in the hell would be out there to see it is a mystery.

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