Going our own way

Here’s how the Hash went down yesterday. Swan and I walked to the start of the trail at Columban College by going the back way from Alta Vista. And as fate would have it, a portion of the path we chose turned out to be the actual Hash trail, only in reverse. So, coming down to Columban was the way the Hashers would be going up. That’s not one of my favorite ways to go anyway, and having just been there, I opted for a different course of action. When the Hashers turned right to climb the tires, I went left and took a trail I’ve not done for quite some time. Well, best-laid plans and all, but my alternative was longer and steeper than I recalled. And along the way, there was some new fencing we had to detour around. Even so, it was a nice adventure, and I have no regrets. My heart rate didn’t rise above 115 BPM, even when I was huffing and puffing my way to the top. I’ll take that as a good sign.

Our way was just under 5K
A creek we crossed early in our trek
Does this qualify as a waterfall?
A lollipop delivery
The beginning of a tire-ing descent to Columban
An unnamed Hasher going down
The Hashers gather at the trailhead. We went our separate ways from here.
The end of our climb brought us to this hole-in-the-wall place
Our view from on high
Arrival at the On-Home venue
A view from Subiza
That Hasher without a name again
The old fucker contingent sits during the Hash circle
Having now completed five Hashes, Swan was ripe for naming.

By way of introduction, I told this joke:

A Hasher named Cum Together had a bit too much to drink one night, and his performance in the bedroom did not live up to his Hash name. The next morning, he apologized to the young woman for the unsatisfying lovemaking. She told him, there is nothing to be sorry about; I had an orgasm. Oh really? When was that? She smiled and said, “While you were in the toilet.”

Allow me to introduce you to the newest named SBH3 Hasher: Cums Alone.

The Hash evening drew to a close just as a light rain shower rolled in across the bay.

The heart rates stats from yesterday:

Not bad. I *think* my max is 128, but I’ll confirm that with the cardiologist on Thursday.

I came across this ranking of Filipino food on my Facebook feed today:

Here are the results of respondents to a “Taste Atlas” survey rating Philippine food: Top 10 List, 5 is the highest rating. There are 80 dishes rated between these two extremes. My personal favorites are Adobo, Sinigang and Bicol Express!

I’ve personally only tried a few of these, and most are okay (lechon is probably my favorite), but given other options, I often take them. Some things I will never put in my mouth, like Balut (a duck fetus sucked out of an egg. No thank you!)

It’s an election year, so I feel obligated to engage with my fellow citizens regarding the importance of the choices before us:

Seems like an easy choice to me.

And those cat memes are still purring:

I hope she didn’t have to Cum Alone

For some weird reason, I enjoy hearing the point-of-view of naysayers regarding life in the Philippines. In today’s YouTube video, this guy is giving up and moving back to the USA. Welp, the PI is a LONG way from perfect, but I’ll be damned if I’d rather be dealing with all the shit going on back home. Most of the things he complains about are real (I bitch about the noise and litter a lot), but you learn to deal with it, not let it destroy your peace of mind and happiness. So, go home, young man, you don’t belong here!

Time for the funnies:

If I didn’t listen to Mama, I was likely to get a good yank on the hair.
Glad you got lucky, Kevin!
That stinks!

No real plans for the rest of my Tuesday, but come back tomorrow and I’ll share what happens then.

And the “first time hearing” reaction video:

2 thoughts on “Going our own way

  1. Hooray! We no longer have to call her Swan! You did it: she’s one of the hive mind now. Get that girl a Hasher shirt!

    Your normal resting heart rate is in the 50s? See what I mean about how there’s no justice? You can drink, eat carbs, have years-long COPD, and still have a low heart rate and (I assume) no arterial blockages. Curse my defective genes. Can’t tell you how much I despise this body.

    I should send that food-rating image to my friend Sam. He’s leaving the PI tomorrow.

  2. Cums Alone is wearing a Hash shirt in the photo. She got it last year at the Angeles City Hash I took her to.

    My normal resting heart rate is usually in the low 60s. I guess that’s a blessing. It shoots up real quick though when I start moving around. I have some arterial blockage, first diagnosed ten years ago. One of the things I want to pursue with the cardiologist is whether that has gotten worse. But yes, given my lifestyle, I’ve been blessed. So far.

    The food-ratings can be be your checklist to try if you find a Filipino restaurant nearby.

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