It’s that time of year again

Here in the Philippines, they call it the “ber” months, and it is the traditional start of the Christmas holiday season. Yep, decorations will be going up, and Christmas songs will be blasting in the shopping centers. For the next four months. I have found a way to cope at least:

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Ah, the first ad of the season from right here in Barreteto!

Anyway, everything is going pretty much as it always does around here. Yesterday, there was a bit of a modification to my Standard Modified Saturday Solo Duo Street Stroll. Swan came along, and we walked a slightly different route than I usually do.

Swan always brings some goodies for the kiddies
Adding some sweetness to their day
Going out of her way
The way we rolled

Once again, Swan wanted to go see The Engine Band at Treasure Island on Baloy. They serve cold Zero there, so who am I to complain?

The bay
The band
The food. Swan had something called tequila lime chicken.
l snacked on chicken wings

We listened to the band’s first two sets and then headed home at 7 p.m. I fired up the TV and finally got around to watching the second half of Filipina Dream Girls on YouTube. It is a nice trip back in time to the early 1990s in Manila, with some English guys looking to hook up with bar girls. My hearing is not great, and some of those Brit accents were tough to decipher at times, but it is still a good watch.

And so ended another Saturday in my simple life.

Once again, Facebook memories carried me back in time to my former life.

The 2011 view from my Gireum-dong apartment in Seoul

It’s pretty scary when I see otherwise intelligent people regurgitating the lies they’ve been sold about Trump as justification for supporting ignorant Kamala. I guess they are not as smart as I gave them credit for being.

It’s a waste of time to try and change the thinking of the indoctrinated.
Probably works for Facebook

Let’s take a three-minute stroll back in time with today’s YouTube video. I couldn’t help but think how everyone you see is dead now, but I guess that’s part of the time travel phenomenon.

And some humor before I go.

Be careful what you ask for!
Funny how that works
A wanton disregard of your orders, Captain!

Welp, the lighting is flashing, and the thunder is booming outside my window right now. But I’ve got a feeding to attend to at Hideaway, so hopefully, this, too, shall pass. I’m going to pop into John’s and ask if they have red wine in stock. If not, I’ll take Swan to Mangos for dinner. She’s been craving those grilled pork chops. I’ll be back tomorrow with more of this goodness.

6 thoughts on “It’s that time of year again

  1. Tequila-lime chicken looks good! Could you be persuaded to try it?

    Do you know the history of why the PI extends the Christmas season as far as it does? Lots of different answers here.

    The 2011 view from my Gireum-dong apartment in Seoul

    Kinda depressing to see that wall of apartment buildings. It’s only gotten worse since then. I once likened the apartments to the appearance of a virus.

    It’s pretty scary when I see otherwise intelligent people regurgitating the lies they’ve been sold about Trump as justification for supporting ignorant Kamala.

    My brother David thinks the whole “Venezuelan gangs taking over Colorado apartments” thing is a big fake. The gaslighting continues.

    I’m going to pop into John’s and ask if they have red wine in stock.

    He was out before, right? I hope he’s learned his lesson.

  2. On the other hand, I don’t understand how anyone could vote for someone who

    – Openly bragged about grabbing women’s p*ssies
    – Told New York Magazine in 1992 that when it comes to women, “You have to treat them like sh*t”
    – Sexually assaulted at least one woman we know about
    – Committed adultery
    – Mocked a disabled reporter in front of a crowd
    – Paid a porn star hush money to keep their affair quiet
    – January 6th
    – The attempt to overturn the 2020 election
    – Totally & miserably failed with response to Covid-19
    – Family separation at the border
    – Withheld aid to Ukraine unless they dug up dirt on Hunter Biden
    – Constant hateful rhetoric which stoked white nationalism
    – On Sen John McCain: “He’s not a war hero, he’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured, OK? I hate to tell you.”
    – The classified documents case and discussing classified information with civilians (for which anyone, anyone else, would be in jail. Period.)
    – Called service members suckers and losers

    And those are just a few.

  3. @Steve there is TDS on both sides. Trump Derangement Syndrome from the left and Trump Deification Syndrome on the right.

    I am personally confident that the US overall is strong enough to withstand whoever is president.

    No, the US will not become some sort of Marxist/Communist state if Harris is elected.
    No, democracy is not at stake if Trump is elected.
    etc. I think it is quite overblown to think that if (generic) your candidate is not elected, the sky is falling.

    It is unfortunate that US politics has pretty much become a black or white issue. If you are for candidate X, you have to be 100% against candidate Y. And vice versa.

    US thoughts/beliefs/morals, etc. are like a pendulum. It starts to swing too far and then will correct, with things mainly staying relatively close to the middle.

    I have challenged my friends on both sides to pick five measurable things in the US (GDP, inflation, stock market returns, increase in national debt, unemployment, church attendance, school test scores, patents issued, home ownership – whatever you want to pick but you get the point) and show me where those five things are consistently better under the administration of Republican or Democratic president.

    No one has been able to do that.

    In a lot of ways, a President is like the nations cheerleader. If you are on his “team”, he can make you feel good about things, even if the QUANTITATIVE numbers show that things really aren’t much different compared to the previous administration. And the opposite is true.

    Presidents claim too much credit when things are going well, and get too much blame when they aren’t.

    Anyways, we can check back in four years and see if I am correct. LOL

  4. Inflation is through the roof. The borders are wide-open. Crime is rampant. We’ve lost our energy independence. Our military is in disarray. To me, it is just simply a question of continuing down this path or changing course. We were better off under Trump than we are now.

  5. Steve, I am not a Trump fanatic. During his presidency I wished he’d just keep his mouth shut and work to make America a better place for us all. The last four years have been a disaster, and Kamala will only make it worse. It’s an easy choice for me.

    There is also no point in arguing about politics here, because no minds will be changed. Your reasons for hating Trump are almost all based on outright media lies. If your hatred of Trump means more to you than doing what’s right for our country, there is nothing left to be said. Good luck to you.

  6. Kevin, I had a taste of the chicken and it was flavorful and good. I wasn’t interested in the pasta at all.

    A reason I’ve heard for the long Christmas season is financial. Poor folk can put a Christmas gift on layaway in September and might have it paid for by Christmas day. It’s bizarre to hear carols about “dashing through the snow” when almost no one here has ever seen snow.

    I read today that Aurora is blaming the greedy landlords for the gang violence. And if you read Steve’s comment, you can see that media lies become the gospel truth for the indoctrinated. Sad and scary.

    I didn’t bother checking to see if John had restocked his wine. Swan wanted Mangos pork chops, and I aim to please. I’ll go back next week.

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