Smoke on the water

Another Thursday has been quenched. Things kicked off with a solo walk of just over 6K. Nothing significant to report other than some leg pain I had to endure for most of the hike. It was bad enough that I wanted to sit down for a spell, but every time I got to a shady bench, it was otherwise occupied. So, I trudged on, and eventually, the pain receded, or maybe I just got used to it. I’m just going to have to accept that, along with the wisdom that comes with old age, aches and pains are par for the course.

Just starting out and I see something lurking in the weeds up ahead
Holy cow!
Next I encountered these lazy goats
A stray dog is nothing unusual
The Easter Mountain view
Don’t get cocky!
Down in the valley
These fuckers were in attack mode, and I was ready for a fight, but the cowards wouldn’t get close enough. I did toss a dirt clod their way.
Duck off!
A river runs through it
Crossing Bridge #4. Or is it #5 now? Well, until the rebuild of #1 is complete and we see if the newly constructed crossing is intended to be temporary, we’ll leave the numbering unchanged.
Let sleeping dogs lie. Not sure why they just don’t tell the truth.
The Bridge #1 rebuild continues apace.
My solo journey

When I got back home, Swan asked me if I wanted a meat pie for lunch. Sure, why not.

Except that pie crust isn’t bread
It’s mashed potato. Masarap!

Swan said I needed a haircut and she wanted one too, so we headed into town for the barber.

Ran into Lorna on the way into town. Poor girl was seven years younger than me. RIP.
A new barber (my old one died) and a little shorter than I’m accustomed to, but on the bright side, I won’t need another cut for a while.

After we were done at the salon, I had a surprise in store for Swan. Loaded her into a Jeepney and took her to her favorite beach bar.

We hadn’t been here for several weeks.
The beach was clean and the floating island resurrected after the typhoon damage.
The view from here
And another
Who’s that hot short-haired girl at the bar?
Nice to meet you!
I zoomed in on that ship anchored in the bay to see what kind it might be. Still no clue, but it’s not a Navy vessel.
When it was time to eat, I opted for the chicken fajitas
Swan did those pork thingys with a side of mac and cheese.
A last look at the sun before we headed back to Barretto

For our nightcap, we decided to visit Whiskey Girl, a place we hadn’t been to for several months. Nothing much had changed, except my regular waitress, Kim, had traded in her belly for a daughter. She wondered when I might be due, but I bought her a drink and changed the subject.

While we were at Whiskey Girl, a storm came through, and we could hear the rain pounding on the roof, even over the music. That was a bit of a surprise because we hadn’t seen any rain for a couple of weeks, and the skies hadn’t appeared threatening. But we definitely needed the cleansing that comes with rain. You may have noticed in many of the photos above that the sky looks almost smoky. It turns out it’s not smog, but something called “vog”–the gasses and dust spewed from the Taal volcano on the southern end of Luzon island.

The view from my patio yesterday afternoon
The same view this morning after the rain

Isn’t life grand?

I came across an excellent example of just how important punctuation truly is.

I must have been late to punctuation class because I’m not very punctual these days.

Facebook memories took me back to a luncheon with my team on this day back in 2017:

Those were the days!
I was the Human Resources Director, so I couldn’t play favorites. But Miss Song was special in my secret heart.

Couldn’t resist sharing this political meme:

It is genuinely scary to think that the typical American voter would fall for this bullshit. Wake up, sheeple!

Today’s YouTube video shares the story of an American retiree who finds himself in a Filipino prison. My number one objective has always been to avoid doing anything that might result in my being jailed. I doubt I’d survive more than a month or two under those conditions. So, being smart and avoiding anything illegal (like drugs, even marijuana) goes a long way. Sadly, if you piss off the wrong person (like your ex-wife), you can be set up for a fall. Sort of like they did to that Trump fella in the USA.

(For some reason, I can’t embed the video. Sorry about that. Just click the link above to see it.)

And now for some humor:

It takes lickin’ and keeps on tickin’
Someone should erect a monument in recognition of the hard life of Sir Penis.
It’s a small world, after all…

So, Swan invited her family to the house this evening. I guess we will all hang out at The Rite Spot and do things Filipino-style. This is a big milestone in the relationship spectrum. I’ve met some individual members of Swan’s family, but having the whole crew over to the house is kind of a welcoming ritual where Swan shows that we are the real deal. My introverted nature is a little bit in the dreading mode, but I imagine a beer or three will help alleviate that. Wish me luck!

8 thoughts on “Smoke on the water

  1. It took a million years for your site to load on my browser, but I got there eventually. Nice pics of a good walk and a lovely date.

    Hard to feel sympathy for the guy who got caught with the marijuana plants. As the narrator says, “one bad mistake after another.” Dude goes back to live in the PI (and why? for a woman or for the potential to meet a woman, that’s why), still tries for drugs while there, meets another low-quality woman because he’s too dumb to figure out who’s good and who’s bad (a.k.a., thinking with his dick); this woman—probably a youngster taking advantage of an old man—cleans him out while he’s in jail… what did he expect was going to happen? The dude should’ve stayed put in the States. And now, he’s likely to die of cancer in jail. Great life, buddy.

    You’re right to stay away from whatever might land you in jail. Just watch out for the adultery charge since you’re still m_rri_d. I’d get divorced for my own safety, as a way to eliminate any excuse to deport/jail me. Explain the situation to Jee Yeun and prompt her to initiate the paperwork. Please.

  2. Like you allude to and @Kevin says, hard to feel sympathy for the guy. I mean, I do feel bad for him, but his problems seem to be of his own making.

    As for you John, I agree best to sort out your marriage situation. Not fair to Swan.

  3. Brian, yes, as is true in most cases of foreigners in jail here, they fucked up of their own volition. You hear the occasional story about set-ups and false chargers, but drugs, underage girls, and drunken stupidity are far more common.

    Well, I’ve been separated longer than we were married. Jee Yeun isn’t Filipino, so the adultery law is inapplicable, even if she wanted to file a complaint. We are on friendly terms, so I am not worried.

  4. I hope that the loading issue was a one-off situation. When it happens to me, it is usually due to a slow internet connection.

    Yes, the guy is fucked, and it’s his own damn fault. I feel sorry for him, but doing drugs here is just plain stupid. There are other crimes that are “non-bailable offenses” (like underage girls) where you sit in jail for years waiting for trial. I’ve heard stories of crooked cops in Angeles setting guys up (all it takes is a minor being alone with you), and then you pay up or go to jail. When I briefly dated the eighteen-year-old, I asked to see her birth certificate before the first meeting. Shit can happen, but most of the time, it can be avoided.

    Jee Yeun is not in the country and isn’t Filipino, so she would have no standing to file an adultery complaint. We’ve been apart longer than we were together now. I’m not at risk, and I have no intention to ever remarry. If and when I return to the USA for a visit, I’ll consider pursuing a no-fault divorce there.

  5. But if you’re married to JY and with a Filipina, doesn’t that make your behavior potentially relevant to Filipino authorities? And on a practical level: is Swan aware you’re married, and if not, why not? You just seem to be putting yourself in unnecessary danger. Corrupt authorities, if they ever found out about your situation, could hold that over your head. You might be making the same “I can get away with this” assumption as the guy being talked about in that video.

  6. In the eyes of God, John, you are committing adultery. That is a punishable SIN. Morals first, lusts last as we say.

  7. I went back and re-looked at the law. It states explicitly that only the cheater’s spouse can file a complaint. I didn’t find anything addressing a non-Filipino citizen bringing adultery charges. Still, logistically, Jee Yeun would not be able to do so, even if that was her desire, which she does not. All of this was her doing, and we’ve been apart now longer than we were ever together.

    I have discussed my marital status with Swan, and she is understanding and supportive. I have no intention of ever marrying again, and all Swan asks is that I remain faithful to the relationship.

    Anyway, it is not a legal issue, and I derive some tax benefits by filing a joint return every year. I will consider doing a no-fault divorce back in the USA on a future visit.

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