Taking my balls to Tibag

Only four were in attendance for the Friday group hike, and since Michael had his car, I suggested we take a stroll in the seldom-visited Tibag area. I’m not sure why, but something about Tibag appeals to me. It’s way too isolated to seriously consider living there (I’m no Tibagger), but the vibe is nice. I screwed up and didn’t take any photos in the village, so you’ll have to make do with some scenes from the surrounding countryside.

My fellow Tibaggers…(l-r) Michael (Aussie), Erik (Yank), and Gary (Brit)
First cookie delivery on the hike
The road to Tibag
On that road
A tree along the way
On the outskirts of Tibag.
Taking the back way out of the village
In the jungle
That chicken bucket from Jollibee is a long way from home.
Circling back from whence we came
Another cookie stop
Most of the traffic we encountered on the road were trucks headed for the landfill.
It’s a narrow road, so two at a time was a little dicey for pedestrians
A warm but beautiful day
A shortish hike at a tad under 5K, but it felt just about right to me.
After the hike I had the group over for lunch and liquid refreshment. Swan served up some amazing burgers and fries (which I also neglected to photograph). Good times!

My next adventure was attending this week’s SOB dance competition. The Green Room doesn’t have a stage, so it’s a tad hard to get a good vantage point. I arrived a few minutes after the 4 p.m. opening and got the best seats available. Swan and Erik shared the table with me. The only problem with an early arrival is having to pay for beers (and lady drinks) until the show starts at 6 p.m. Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Some of my fellow spectators
The gathered competitors

It was a very close contest, with Green Room beating La Oficina by one point. That’s how I scored it, recognizing that the home team has a slight advantage. Swan liked La Oficina best. Once the videos get posted, I’ll share them here and let y’all decide who’s right.

The winners
The maybe should have won team

Drinking steady from four to eight stretches my capacity to the limit. So, it was in the trike at the end of the show and hitting the sack shortly thereafter. As Fridays go, I’d rate this a good one.

Some past memories to share today:

My stepdaughter Hillary did two tours in Afghanistan when her National Guard unit was activated after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. She was in a civil affairs unit doing things like building schools for the girls. She said the experience changed her life.

Twelve years ago, we spread my father’s ashes. He had donated his body to the medical university, and when they were done with him, they sent him home to us in a cardboard box.

We began in Enid, Oklahoma and shared some of the ashes with my mother.
Then we drove to Dad’s hometown of Memphis, Tennessee and poured the rest of him in the Mississippi River.
I’m told Dad used to hang out and fish in this spot growing up, so it seemed like a fitting place to leave his ashes
My Dad (top, third from left) with his fishing buddies
Older brother Keith does the pouring as Jee Yeun looks on
Watching the river carry Dad to the sea
The poem we read as we said goodbye

Back to the present, and the insanity that is the current state of our nation.

We’ll know soon enough
I’d ask how dumb do they think we are, but I’m not sure I’d like the answer. The latest rumor has Biden resigning in October so Kamala can run as the incumbent.

Today’s YouTube video is from the Filipina Pea. She explores the issue of whether Filipinas are brainwashed in their beliefs and toxic actions. Some interesting interviews exploring this issue.

Some humor would be good right about now, doncha you think?

A bad pun to start will make the rest seem better
What doesn’t go in you, goes on you!
Enough with the limp humor, how hard can it be?

So, that brings you up to date here in my little part of the world. I’m going to take Swan to Treasure Island Resort this evening for some beach views and live music. I intend to be back here tomorrow to tell you all about it!

Yeah, I know I posted this song in the not-too-distant past, but I couldn’t resist since today’s theme is Tibag. Besides, it is less than two minutes long.

2 thoughts on “Taking my balls to Tibag

  1. I would’ve liked to see pics of the village and the burgers, but even what you showed us was quite nice. I still don’t see the appeal of things like the SOB, but you old expats in that part of the world are so divorced from reality that I can do little more than shake my head and think of poor, crippled Captain Pike living out his days in a world made of illusions. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.

    Tibag seems nice and quiet. My kind of place.

  2. What? You don’t enjoy cultural dancing? That’s like not enjoying street food! Anyway, I understand watching girls doing sexy dances isn’t for everyone. The girls do work hard on their routines, and I try and respect that by showing up a couple of times a month.

    Tibag has its charm, but you’d need a vehicle to live there (no trikes or Jeepneys). And there are no bars, so…

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