I’ll take it

Yesterday may not have been perfect, but it was good enough for me. We began the day with a walk to the Subic marketplace, where Swan needed to replenish her candy supply for the upcoming Sunday Candy walk. Strolling on the National Highway is no fun, so to the extent we could, we detoured onto back streets to avoid the traffic. It added some distance, but we got to the market in just under eight kilometers.

I wasn’t feeling real motivated, and there were several times when I was tempted just to say “fuck this” and take a Jeepney instead. But when I saw this on the wall early in the hike, I answered affirmatively:

I took that as a sign
I will follow you…
…follow you wherever you may go.
Not many kids about because it was a school day, but Swan took care of the ones we saw.
Even the ones who wouldn’t stand up and get it.
Cocks on a hot tin roof
This gal was a couple of months younger than me
He was three years older. At least he lived to see his 72nd birthday.
There she was just a walkin’ down the street…
Swan grabbed a snack from this vendor…I took a pass.
Our next alley
Over the river
A new resort under construction. Pool looks nice.
I don’t recall ever seeing a green ship before
Two boxes of candies for this week’s Candy Walk. Mission accomplished!
Our circuitous path to the marketplace

Back home after a 200 peso trike ride, and Swan made me chicken fajitas for lunch.

As good as it looks
On the tortilla and ready to gobble. Well, I did add a dash of sour cream after this photo.

When beer o’clock arrived, I decided an evening at The Rite Spot was in order.

The view from the roof. And surprisingly, no rain at all yesterday.
That bay they call Subic in the distance
My Lucky boy keeping a lookout from the steps

The Australian wine my buddy Michael gifted me.
Swan enjoying her Aussie merlot
It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to do a sunset series. Here goes:
Oh, the colors!
Oh, the clouds
What a show!
And then darkness descended.
Swan served up this delicious beef and broccoli dish for my dinner

I watched a couple of YouTube videos on the big screen, including one about Japan’s capture of Manila in December 1941. Let’s hope history in the form of China doesn’t repeat itself. I had a good night’s sleep, and I woke to another fine day in paradise. Keep ’em coming!

Facebook reminded me that eight years ago I met a Korean lass named Eun Oke. We had some good times and some bad times, but in the end I grew tired of her drama. It was fun while it lasted. Mostly.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. She was the first woman I dated after Jee Yeun (wife #4) broke my heart.

Reekay holds court in today’s YouTube video, sharing the stories of three foolish men who got fucked by Filipinas, and not in the good way. What was it Forrest Gump said? Stupid is as stupid does. I’ve had my share of fuckups and been scammed a couple of times, but not at this level.

And now for some humor:

Damn, God. Don’t be that way.
Let’s get something straight between us.
Like a broken clock, this is funny twice a day. Sorry if you missed out!

Gonna do the SOB tonight. Had a nice time on today’s hike in Tibag. Tell you all about it tomorrow.

This video is fun to watch. From the fat guy rockin’ it to the all white audience groovin’ on Little Richard.

4 thoughts on “I’ll take it

  1. This gal was a couple of months younger than me

    Gal? I see a masculine Spanish first name and a mustache. We lookin’ at the same picture? Am I missing a joke?

    I don’t recall ever seeing a green ship before

    A first for me, too.

    And then darkness descended.

    A beautiful series of shots, and a nice day of candy distribution followed by good eats. (Just put some sisig in a tortilla and call it a Filipino fajita!)

  2. @Kevin said
    “This gal was a couple of months younger than me

    Gal? I see a masculine Spanish first name and a mustache. We lookin’ at the same picture? Am I missing a joke?”

    I noticed the same thing also. I actually also know a guy named Gerardo. I guess in the PI you never know. LOL

    PS. The food looks good!!

  3. Brian, yeah, I’m a dumb shit. When I look at those funeral posters, I focus on the birthdate. So, for some reason, Geraldo appeared female at first glance, and I never looked back. How I managed to post the photo and write a caption without noticing my mistake is mind-boggling.

  4. Kev, no, you are not missing the joke. The joke is on me. I fucked up. I focused on the birthdate and not the gender. That’s dumb, even by my low standards.

    Almost everything is better in a tortilla (and easier to eat)!

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