Over the bridge

As seen from my patio–the end of Bridge #1

Signage has warned for weeks that the only access bridge to most of San Isidro would undergo much-needed repairs. I wondered how they were going to pull that off without totally isolating several thousand residents. Now, don’t get me started–why a decrepit one-lane bridge was the only vehicular river crossing was inexplicable and idiotic to begin with. One of those “only in the Philippines” moments. I assumed they would close the bridge for a few hours each day and lay a new sheet metal covering to replace the rotted and rusted-out road surface. So, when I saw the scene above with the old bridge destroyed and a new pedestrian crossing erected, I was like, what the hell? But then the next day, that white crane was on the OTHER side of the river, and I’m thinking, how in the hell did they get that over there? So, my walk yesterday was in search of an answer.

Another wet morning turned my path to a puddle
Easter Mountain in the misty rain
This might be a clue
Wait a minute, this road wasn’t here the last time I passed this way
Oh my! The did build a new bridge a couple of kilometers upriver before they tore down the old one.
It seems to be working so far
A fishing hole
Back across the river on Bridge #2. I reckon a new numbering order is going to be needed. The new bridge would be #4, making the old #4 number #5, and so on.
Whatever you say
The ongoing construction of the replacement bridge. That new “pedestrian” walkway is also being used by motorbikes. Luckily, no room for a trike.
Just over 5K on my journey of discovery

We spent our Saturday evening hours mostly at It Doesn’t Matter. I was surprised when one of our new Hashers, Michael, dropped in. We had a nice chat, and he is one of the most interesting people I’ve met here. Traveled and lived all over the world, and still going strong at 73. We went to Green Room for our nightcap and ordered some takeout to bring home for dinner. I watched the final episode of Cuck On Earth, and it was my favorite. I rate the series well worth the time.

That was Saturday, and Saturday’s gone.

Facebook memories reminded me that two years ago, I finally got the jab. It’s not like I had any choice. My three years as a tourist were up, and I had to leave the country. I wasn’t allowed back in unvaccinated.

I did the Sinovac and have thus far suffered no repercussions.

I saw this on the internet this morning so it must be real.

Yep, it is legitimate.

In today’s YouTube video, The Filipina Pea weighs in on the controversy surrounding the tourist visa extension requirements. As I said previously, I’m visiting Immigration for an extension on Tuesday, and this may very well impact me. I’m wearing slacks and a shirt without my ball cap to ensure I’m viewed as a respectful visitor. I hope they let me stay.

Let’s try some humor:

What goes around comes around
She prefers a man with a bulge in his pants. A thick wallet.

In the near future, I’ve got a Hideaway feeding to attend to. It’s the birthday of Swan’s sister, so we are going to treat her to dinner. Swan wants to go to Pugon Corner for our meal, and so we shall. I’ll share how that goes tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Over the bridge

  1. What is the possible changes to your status? In Thailand (Sorry I have not watched the video yet, so my question is possibly answered there.) I know that they are cracking down. No more tourist visa after tourist visa with visa runs in between. If you want to stay long term, then they want you to get a retirement visa, marriage visa, etc.

    Hope it is a whole lot of nothing. How difficult is it to get a retirement visa for the PI?

  2. Brian, I’m not sure if it is a crackdown, per se. In the past, extensions were pretty much automatic. Now, they are asking questions and trying to verify that you are worthy of being a tourist here. One theory is they are looking to oust some criminal Chinese elements. The other is that they want to move long-term stays to retirement visas. I’m eligible for the SRRV, but it’s a pain in the ass to jump through the hoops to get one. I guess we will see what the future holds come Tuesday.

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