So it goes

Another Monday, another Hash. This week, some of the Gash were the Hares, and they laid a pretty nice trail that was well-marked and a little different. It wasn’t all that difficult, but I wound up shortcutting anyway. My “sane” group didn’t wait for me this week, which was disappointing but understandable. I’ve got so slow going uphill that it takes the fun out of hiking with me. Swan and some others were with me, so it’s not like I was alone on the trail. The problem was we got into an area that was unfamiliar to me, and it appeared there was a second climb in store, and I just didn’t have it in me. Since I didn’t know an alternative path, I retreated back to the highway and rejoined the trail down the road. My shortcut was longer distance-wise, but I assumed it was flatter. Turns out, what I perceived as a pending climb would have led me back down to the valley. Still, better safe than sorry.

The gathering point was the trike stand at the intersection of the Govic and National highways.
And we are On-On!
The runners take the lead
Let the climbing begin
Nothing uphill comes easy for me these days
Getting to the top of these steps took everything I had in me. So, when I got to the point where I thought I saw a second hill climb ahead, I turned around.
This is much more to my liking
The view from here
The Hares this week
Getting artistic with the trail markings
The path I took rejoined the Hash trail a couple of kilometers down the road
Trekking down Sawmill Road
A Sawmill view
The back way into Magdelena subdivision. Our On-Home was at house of Hasher Dumb Ass
Our hosts provided a nice array of food for our enjoyment
Hash Gash
Hares on ice
I’ve heard of taking the measure of a man, but this is the first time I’ve seen it done.
We had two birthdays to celebrate and two cakes to make
Swan’s initial reaction to Hash cake making
And naturally, Swan joined in the fun!
This week’s trail
My “shortcut” is the blue line. I thought the trail was going up that mountain, but I was wrong. It turned out okay, though.

After the Hash, Swan and I caught a trike to It Doesn’t Matter for the post-Hash gathering. Turns out, I might have had too much to drink. I’ll do better next time.

Speaking of drinking, Facebook carried me back thirteen long years ago to an Itaewon Friday night at Dolce Vita Pub.

Look at me holding court with cigarette in hand.

Eight years ago, I was walking the shady back paths on Namsan in Seoul.

Those were the days.

The looming war with China will be fought on many fronts. The Chinese have already infiltrated even the lowest branches of Filipino government. To what end, who knows? I’m sure the corruption agents can be dual purposed as military assets. And the same things is taking place back home in the USA as well. Shocking how many of the illegal border crossers are Chinese. Today’s YouTube video details some of what is happening here in the Philippines.

Gonna go for a walk on the raunchy side for today’s humor offering.

Be careful what you ask for
Michelle is more of a man than our current President, that’s for sure.

That’s all for now, folks.

2 thoughts on “So it goes

  1. The Hares this week

    Why so many? How many women does it take to plot a path?

    I’ve heard of taking the measure of a man, but this is the first time I’ve seen it done.

    Those dildos are never in Asian dimensions. I wonder why…

    re: cake-making

    I’m glad Swan enjoyed herself and got to witness How It’s Done.

    Today’s YouTube video details some of what is happening here in the Philippines.

    Yeah, I’m subscribed to China Uncensored, so I’ve seen this particular video. It’s a good channel, and they’ve been doing a lot of PRC-vs.-PI news lately as things heat up. And as it turns out, one of the PI’s mayors may well be a Chinese spy. Her past is certainly murky.

    Michelle is more of a man than our current President, that’s for sure.

    That “hawk, tuah” thing you pointed out a few posts ago is really having a moment right now, isn’t it. The lady claims she’s not pro-Trump, so I hope she sticks to just chomping dicks. I’d hate to see her become the face of a movement.

  2. Kev, it’s a social thing for the gals. One of the boyfriends helps them scout the trail, and then they go out and mark it as a group. It’s a nice change of pace once in a while.

    Yeah, I’ve seen several of Chappell’s videos on your blog. At least he’s easier than most to listen to. The video I posted went into more detail about the Chinese mayor’s shenanigans.

    It would suck to see the “hawk, tuah” gal leading some anti-Trumpers, but it wouldn’t blow me away.

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