Back at it

Back to my regular routines after a hangover-induced day off, and it was good to be on the road again. For my morning walk, I decided to do the trek out to Waltermart. And since it was a special occasion, or felt like one anyway, I did the photo every 1000 steps thing. Here they are:

Leaving my place behind (the one in the middle)
1000 steps–in the boonies
2000 steps–life in San Isidro
3000 steps–a foresty vibe
4000 steps–on a country road
5000 steps–in the heart of barangay Naugsol
6000 steps–the far side of Easter Mountain
7000 steps–a long stretch of slightly uphill road left me huffing and puffing
8000 steps–life on the side of the Govic Highway
9000 steps–strolling the riverside
10,000 steps–a cute little coffee shop in barangay Magna Vacca
And the end of the walk right at 7K. I got a Jeepney from here back to Barretto.
I went thataway

A good hike overall, except for that heavy breathing portion. Oh, and one of the straps on my backpack broke near the end of the trek, so I carried it on one shoulder the rest of the way.

Not a bad day’s work. Pretty much back to normal now.

Saturday evening, I took Swan to Treasure Island Resort on Baloy so she could enjoy some live music and beach views. It was a good time.

A view from our table
And another view
Us at our table
Three members of Engine band (two singers and the bass player) using the poolside as a stage
The drummer and lead guitar player are on this platform
Looking down Baloy Beach
And looking up the beach
A Swan on the beach
And a Swan at the table
Dinner on the table. The biggest and overall best enchiladas in town.
And some chicken wings to snack on
The evening sky
Mountains and the bay
And a nice sunset on the beach

It was another good time with my sweetie. Swan enjoys live music and Engine is one of the better bar bands around this area. For shits and giggles I made a playlist of the songs they performed during their first set yesterday:

  • Tequila Sunrise (Eagles)
  • A Horse With No Name (America)
  • I Don’t Want To Talk About It (Rod Stewart)
  • Cat’s In The Cradle (Harry Chapin)
  • Have You Ever Seen The Rain (CCR)
  • Bad Moon Rising (CCR)
  • Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen)
  • Under Pressure (Queen)
  • Paint It Black (Rolling Stones)
  • Honky Tonk Woman (Rolling Stones)
  • Brown Sugar (Rolling Stones)
  • Satisfaction (Rolling Stones)
  • Ain’t Talkin’ Bout Love (Van Halen)
  • You Really Got Me (Kinks)
  • Jump (Van Halen)
  • Here I Go Again (Whitesnake)
  • Beds Are Burning (Midnight Oil)
  • Free Bird (Lynard Skynard

They played Free Bird at Swan’s request (and 100 pesos in the tip jar). They play a nice mix of classic songs that an old fart like me can enjoy. It is also nice to be able to see live music performed early in the evening (they start around 4:30). Live music offerings in Barretto begin at 9 p.m. or later in most other venues.

We did have one little bothersome event occur. I had a discount coupon from the SOB for a 10% discount on food and beverages for up to four guests. When the waitress brought our tab, we were not given the total discount to which we were entitled. The bill said I had ten beers, and Swan had two wines. Swan didn’t think I had that many beers, but I didn’t keep count, so I can’t argue with that. What left me shaking my head was that we were only discounted the ten percent for two of the beers and the two wines. According to our waitress, the “four guests” limitation meant that only four drinks would be discounted. Well, that’s a bullshit interpretation, but I’m not going to get too upset over a couple of hundred pesos. I did reduce the amount I intended to tip.

We headed home at seven after another nice date night. And so ended another Saturday in my life. I could do with lots more like it!

You know, back in the day, I could party with the best of them, and classic music from that era went hand-in-hand with that. And yeah, I remember some of my favorites who partied too much and died too soon. I didn’t realize until I came across this today that 27 was an unlucky number.

I was lucky to be born on the 27th instead of dying on that number.

A political meme or three okay with you?

Yeah, you can take that for Grant-ed.
Hard to argue when you put it like that
Am I the only one here old enough to remember The Addams Family on TV?
Hearing the intro song again after all these years gave me a nice laugh

Speaking of memories that made me laugh, I posted this on Facebook nine years ago:

Excuse me, Miss. I can see your, um, oh, never mind…

I can’t recall if I posted this YouTube video here previously, but for those of you curious about the Barretto bar scene, this is a pretty comprehensive exploration:

I pretty much limit myself to my three or four favorites these days

And now for your daily dose of humor:

As much as I love ice cream, I’d have to give this a pass.
Ouch! I don’t even want to contemplate what that would feel like.
It’s always a question of balance

Alright, it is Sunday and that means a feeding at Hideaway and a dinner date with Swan at John’s place are in my immediate future. I shall return tomorrow if I survive another night.

6 thoughts on “Back at it

  1. a cute little coffee shop in barangay Magna Vacca

    Magna Vacca… “Big Cow”??

    “Vacca” is where we get the word vaccine. Dr. Edward Jenner discovered that a small amount of cowpox made one immune to smallpox.

    “Cow” in French is vache. In Spanish, it’s vaca. Both are derived from the Latin vacca.

    Oh, and one of the straps on my backpack broke near the end of the trek, so I carried it on one shoulder the rest of the way.

    Sucks. I can love a piece of equipment to death, but the moment it betrays me by, say, losing a strap or ripping a pocket, I’ll curse the thing out under my breath as a piece of shit, all love forgotten.

    re: US Grant quote

    I’m pretty sure the left sees patriotism as linked with superstition, ambition, and ignorance (“bitterly clinging to guns or religion”—Obama, slightly misquoted), while the O-so-enlightened left corners the market on intelligence. Yep, they’re the smart ones. Just look at Sniffy Joe Biden.

    Enjoy dinner at John’s! How’s he doing these days?

  2. Well, lazy bastard that I am, it turns out I spelled the barangay’s name wrong. It should have been Mangan-Vaca. My spelling does translate to “Great Cow” in Spanish.

    The backpack was good while it lasted, but now it is trash. Luckily, I have a backup at home that I can use for the Hash today.

    Yep, for smart folks, the left sure has fucked things up. Or perhaps they’ve destroyed the economy intentionally.

    John wasn’t there last night. He’s back to playing in the pool league on Sundays, but I take that as a good sign.

  3. Interesting bit of useless trivia about Janis Joplin. Jimmy Johnson, former coach of the Dallas Cowboys and now a commentator on one of the NFL shows, was a high school classmate of hers, and was pretty good friends with her during high school.

    Re: discount coupon. Yeah, makes absolutely no sense. Although I probably would have done the same thing, decreasing the waitress’ tip doesnt really impact the management who made the stupid rule. I am sure that the waitress was just doing what she was told. In a way, unfortunate to punish the waitress for her bosses stupid rule.

  4. Brian, I used to live in Prescott, Arizona. Shortly after Janis died, her parents moved there. I never met them though.

    Yeah, I wasn’t really trying to screw the waitress (heh, my GF was with me). I asked if I could tip her directly, but she said everything has to go in the community tip jar. My attitude is if I can’t tip my server, I reduce the tip accordingly. Back in the USA I was a consistent 20% kind of guy, here it is usually 10%. Of course, lots of my fellow expats don’t tip at all and think I’m stupid for doing so.

  5. Ive become more anti-tipping just because it seems everybody has their hand out nowadays.

    Part of it is because the default when you use a credit card “tap” reader shows a tip page, but I dont get a place like Chipotle where they are on a regular hourly wage, dont provide any table service, etc., yet there is a tip jar as you get to the cash register.

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