Mucho nada

Yesterday was full of a lot of nothing. Sometimes you just need to take a break, I suppose. Especially after a night of celebrating the birth of a nation by downing numerous beers. These two shots pretty much sum up my Friday achievements:

The only walking I did was into town for the SOB dance competition
Judge not lest ye be judged. The other judges agreed with my assessment this time.

And that, dear readers, was the extent of my activity yesterday. And the weird thing is, I enjoyed being lazy so much that I’ve resolved to give up walking altogether and fill some of those hours by drinking earlier in the day. Relax, I’m kidding. I was back at it this morning with a 7K walk to Waltermart. I’ll share that adventure in tomorrow’s post.

I’m not sure what’s in store for tonight, although I’ll see if Swan wants to listen to the band at Treasure Island.

The polls indicate people are wising up. I don’t expect we will see creepy Joe on the ticket come November.

Fourteen years ago, I was enjoying my first and only trip to Bali.

I was dressing like a native
And enjoying the culture. I do hope to return again one day.

When it comes to Filipino culture as expressed through street foods, I’m notoriously a non-partaker. For those who have an interest in such things, today’s YouTube video will whet your appetite.

I found these worthy of a smile:

But remember, what doesn’t go in you, goes on you.
The truth will set you free!
And don’t you dare dangle any modifiers!

Swan just confirmed we’ll be marching out to Treasure Island soon. Tell you about it tomorrow.

1 thought on “Mucho nada

  1. Sometimes, it’s good to just kick back and laze around. I look forward to hearing about Waltermart and Treasure Island.

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