A sweet Sunday on the streets of San Isidro

Another Sunday, another candy walk. We started out a little late, and some of our regulars said they thought we weren’t coming. It’s a bit pressuring to think of the disappointment a change of plans would bring to those kids we’ve addicted to chocolate. In the meantime, we’ll just enjoy the mutual satisfaction of trading candy for smiles.

Candy doesn’t grow on trees
First delivery of the day…
Come a runnin!
This village is hard to access and so we don’t visit here every week.
Back on our regular route, the kids were waiting for our arrival
The Marian Hills crowd
This is the earliest we’ve had to refill the bag
Talk about a rickety bridge!
Get your yummies!

My afternoon agenda included the Hideaway feeding. There are still only three girls working there now. During my visit, I was the only customer. Joy said they closed at six on Saturday because they hadn’t had a customer all day. That doesn’t bode well for the future. Honestly, I have a purpose for being there; otherwise, there would be no reason to visit Hideaway. It’s kind of depressing, truth be told. The owner is due back in a couple of weeks; maybe he can turn things around.

Three meals are cheaper than six, so there’s that. I contributed a batch of brownies for dessert.
Joyful gluttony

After the feeding, I dashed across the highway for my dinner date with Swan at John’s place.

The usual view from our upstairs, open-air seating.
I had a hankering for the birria tacos
Swan craved the pulled pork sandwich
That would be us
And a nice sunset for dessert

We did a brief nightcap at Green Room, then headed for home. That’s how we roll these days.

I’ll be rolling along on a Hash trail this afternoon. The dog walk this morning left me breathless again, so I’m hoping the Hare won’t be overly aggressive. I’m fully prepared to shortcut as my needs dictate. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Facebook reminds that eleven years ago, I was at the Grand Ol’ Opry in Itaewon. The bar tradition was to salute the flag with a song (Star Spangled Banner?) at midnight. Yeah, hard to believe I stayed up that late in those days.

The Opry was the oldest bar in Itaewon, but did not survive the closing of the Yongsan Army base.

Speaking of Facebook, yesterday they slapped a “fact-check” cover on a meme I shared featuring clueless Joe.

What was hilarious about the “fact-check” was that it only disputed that Jill Biden had once been a babysitter for Joe’s kids. So, I guess it is a fact that our President is stupid and a pedophile. And, of course, no one denies Hunter is a drug addict.

In today’s YouTube video, Reekay talks about a cultural phenomenon in Filipinas known as “Tampo.” Essentially, you piss off your girl somehow, and she gives you the silent treatment, sometimes for days. I’ve witnessed it in the past, and I have very little tolerance for that kind of drama. I’d much rather have a classic yelling and screaming at each session to get everything out and on the table. I just asked Swan whether she ever goes into Tampo mode, and she said she sometimes does. She mentioned that incident last week where she thought I ignored her as an example. Luckily, that only lasted hours, not days.

The daily dose of humor:

Milk from the jug is always better than wine.
Those fruits are nuts
Me too!

4 thoughts on “A sweet Sunday on the streets of San Isidro

  1. It’s a bit pressuring to think of the disappointment a change of plans would bring to those kids we’ve addicted to chocolate.

    Luckily, they’re addicts, and when was the last time you ever heard of a bunch of junkies having the brain cells to organize and take down their dealer?

    This village is hard to access and so we don’t visit here every week.

    Whoa. That place looks like the reason why the word “shanty” was invented.

    The owner is due back in a couple of weeks; maybe he can turn things around.

    A shame to know that everything is going to shit while he’s away. Aren’t the people currently running the place trying to keep the ship from sinking?

    I hope the Hash went well today.

  2. Hi John

    Im Bruce from Taiwan.
    I’ve been following your blog for a while now and I’m always impressed by your beautiful photos and writing of your life. I especially enjoy reading about your hiking adventures with Swan and your friends.

    I’m writing to you today because I’m planning a trip to the Philippines and I was wondering if you can bring with me for a hiking. I’d love to explore the city and villages with you. I’m gald to buy some candies share with those kids too.

    I will arrive and stay in Barretto on 8/1. If you agree, I hope to follow your hike on 8/2 and 8/3 (in the morinig?)
    I’m really looking forward to hearing from you.

    And sorry for my bad English too…..

    Best regards,

  3. Bruce, I’ll be glad to show you around some hiking trails. 8/2 is the Friday group hike, and we start at 0900. On Saturday, I do a solo hike in the morning and you are welcome to join for that.

    You can email me at lngtimegne@aol.com if you have any questions.

  4. Well, growing up poor, I’m sure the kids are accustomed to disappointment. It might be a good idea to miss a week here and there to lower their expectations.

    After six years, I’m not as shocked by the shanty-villes as I used to be, but at least this one has access to electricity (assuming they can afford it). It’s a tough life for some, but I respect folks making the best of what they have.

    Joy messaged me last night that Hideaway will close on Tuesdays and be open 11-7 the rest of the week. I’m not sure those hours will make a bar profitable, but maybe the owner will find a niche market.

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