The good and the bad

Things didn’t start off so well yesterday. I had some breathing issues during the dog walk, which is always disconcerting. I fought off the urge to be lazy and headed out for my morning walk as scheduled, but I really wasn’t feeling it. I didn’t realize just how sour my mood was until a beggar approached me with his hand out. Usually, I just wave them off and continue on my way, but this time I exploded, shouting, “Get the fuck away from me!” and kept on walking. A couple of minutes later, I was shaking my head in disgust at my behavior and felt bad for being the ugly American directing his wrath at someone in need. I briefly considered turning around and extending an apology, but I was already a good way down the road. So, I continued on with my walk, but I had lost what little passion I had for the endeavor and quit before the 5K threshold.

So, that’s the bad. The good was my date night with Swan. We walked down to the highway around four in the afternoon and caught a Jeepney for the 3K ride to the Samba Resort in Lower Kalaklan.

Arriving at our destination
Together time
A view from our perch
A view of our perch
Beach view left
Beach view right
A view of the photographer
Kon Tiki innards
The Kon Tiki menu offerings

I asked the waitress about the Kahuna Burger, the most expensive item on the menu. Also, I’d never seen a twelve-dollar hamburger before. She started reciting the list of ingredients, but when she got to “spam,” I stopped her. I might eat spam if I were starving, but I see no reason to pay a premium for the experience. So, I opted for the ten-dollar cheeseburger.

Those fries might have been the best I’ve ever eaten.
The burger was good, too. I had to remove the onion so it would fit in my mouth. Was it worth ten bucks? Probably not, but I also recognize I was paying resort prices, and I was on a date, so who cares?
Swan enjoyed her pork tonkatsu, whatever the hell that is. I’m not a mac and cheese fan, but I had to admit it looked good. The pork was tasty as well.

Our bill came to 1980 pesos, including my beers and Swan’s glass of wine. No complaints; we had excellent service in a nice beach bar environment. We’ll continue to be semi-regulars here (a couple times a month) until the owner gets around to opening the promised Barretto venue.

The sun was going down and we made our way back to Barretto

One of the downsides of Kon Tiki is getting home. It was just a little after six, and we knew the Jeepneys would be full of commuters coming home from jobs in Olongapo. I was hoping for a trike, but as we stepped out onto the highway, a rarely-seen empty taxi was passing by in our direction. He honked, I waved affirmation, he pulled over, and we climbed in for a very comfortable ride back to our little town. I also noticed a trike stand, so future visits should not have to rely on blind luck for the return trip.

Our date wasn’t quite over yet. We had the taxi drop us at Wet Spot, and we ordered a round of drinks. Aine and our regular waitress weren’t there, so there was no hit on the wallet for lady drinks. Owner Daddy Dave came by, and we had a nice chat. When he left for a dinner date, we also prepared to pay our tab. Then the waitress came by with a fresh bottle of beer and a glass of wine, compliments of Dave. Thanks for that! One of the benefits of The Maze group of bars is they are all connected. Green Room is next door and also owned by Dave, so we carried our drinks there to finish out our night. We wound up having an enjoyable time amongst familiar faces. And so ended our date.

I don’t watch television news, but I’d say most of it qualifies for the bad category.

The science is settled on that one.
Yeah, I know the reality is so bad made up shit like this is unnecessary. Still, I couldn’t resist.

Enough with politics for now. Let’s stroll down memory lane for a minute.

Seven years ago I reported for duty at the new 8th Army Headquarters building at Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek. It was good to have a purpose in life, but those days are behind me.
Five years ago, I explored how I might look if I changed my pronouns—probably not a good idea.
I posted this on Facebook three years ago. I presume I slapped it up here as well, although I honestly don’t remember. I do appreciate the loyal readers who are subjected to my daily drivel. Blogging gives some meaning to my day, even if there is not much meaning in what I write. Thank you!

Today’s YouTube video is from The Filipina Pea. She talks about the favorite tactics of Filipina scammers. I’ve been scammed a few times over the years, including before I even moved here. I suppose it’s tuition in the school of experience. So, heed her words to the wise. I’ve got a good one now, thank goodness.

To the humor then:

Sorry, I’m not drunk enough to get this one.
Yeah, that’s more like it!

Anyway, I was planning on spending my Friday night at the Rite Spot. Nature had other plans. It has been pouring down rain all afternoon, with some thunder and lightning thrown in as well. Power has been out for an hour now, so I’d best get this posted before the laptop battery quits. I plan to be back tomorrow, so come check it out!

2 thoughts on “The good and the bad

  1. I had to remove the onion so it would fit in my mouth.

    Good man. (And that’s what SHE said!)

    Swan enjoyed her pork tonkatsu, whatever the hell that is.

    Koreans call it donggaseu, with the don meaning “pork.” Basically, it’s an Asian Schnitzel. Fried cutlet. Generally seen in Asia in the form of pork, beef, chicken, or fish. Sometimes, it arrives already sliced up, as in that photo. Sometimes, it arrives whole, and you have to cut it up yourself. Often, it comes slathered in some sort of sauce or gravy.

    I’m not a mac and cheese fan

    Dafuq is wrong with you?

    Yeah, I know the reality is so bad made up shit like this is unnecessary. Still, I couldn’t resist.

    Never show that one to “mama.”

    Five years ago, I explored how I might look if I changed my pronouns—probably not a good idea.

    See what I mean about your inner liberal?

    I suppose it’s tuition in the school of experience. So, heed her words to the wise.

    You can save yourself a ton of heartache by having the wisdom to see certain problems from a distance and by practicing simple common sense. 90% of Pinay-gringo encounters send up red flags or sound alarm bells in my head, usually because the male idiot is thinking with his dick. You can avoid all of that by saying no and not allowing your ego to be seduced by a woman who knows what she’s doing and sees you purely as an aging ATM. Unless you really do want to follow the implicit advice from that Hunter Thompson quote you put up yesterday.

    Sorry, I’m not drunk enough to get this one.

    You know that song, “Joy to the World”? See here.

    I’m glad you had a good date with Swan. Too bad the day started out poorly. If you see the beggar again, do apologize. How’s the breathing now, if I may ask?

  2. “Dafuq is wrong with you?”

    I don’t know what put me off on mac and cheese, but looking back, growing up poor, that crap mac and cheese out of the box may have been what ruined the idea forever.

    “Never show that one to “mama.”

    I had to go back and look at that photo to see what you meant. Then I laughed.

    Well, I got a lot better at spotting the scam queens early on and adhering to Rule #1. I learned the hard way about sending money to gals you’ve never met when I was on the dating sites. Yeah, I’ll concede I was a slow learner, but I figured it out eventually.

    Thanks for the reminder about the song “Joy to the World.” Once I saw that, the lights came on, and I got a chuckle. The puns that make you think are the best ones!

    Yes, I will make amends with that beggar should I see him again. And I will try not to be an asshole in the future.

    My breathing was a little better yesterday. What’s weird is that my oximeter readings aren’t that low, and my nebulizer doesn’t help much. Maybe this is my new normal.

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