Feeling dated

I may be getting old, but I’m still in the game. I only managed a 5K solo walk, but at least I was able to get outside and hit the road for a bit. My fitful sleeping lately leaves me feeling less energetic than I want to be, but I’m not going to throw in the towel. I’ll do what I can do for as long as I can do it.

The best part of the day was a date with Swan. She likes the beach and water views, so we headed out to Papagayo for dinner. I don’t eat there often, but I’d seen they set up a dining area on the sand, so I wanted to give it a try.

Our table on the beach
The view from our table on the beach
The beach and bay
Barretto Beach
Right through the heart
They wanted 300 pesos for a glass of wine, so Swan opted for a tequila sunrise.
We both ordered the enchilada supreme (I had beef and Swan chicken). It didn’t come with sides like rice or beans. It tasted okay, although mine could have been served warmer.
The best part of the meal was the company

So, it was a nice and unique experience to dine on the beach, but it probably doesn’t warrant a return visit. During dinner, Swan commented that she misses the floating bars. Me too. We still haven’t found a good replacement venue for the offseason. Well, maybe Kon Tiki, but that’s so far out of town that it is a pain to get to and from. We’ll see what’s next soon.

We walked back up the highway for an after-dinner drink at Sloppy Joe’s.

It was busier than I’d seen it in a while, and I couldn’t get the street side seats I prefer.

We finished our evening out with a visit to Wet Spot. Aine was back to work, so I let her and Swan cuddle up while I sat at the backslappers’ table with Daddy Dave and some other regulars.

Wet Spot as seen from my table.

A nice way to end the day in my increasingly mellow lifestyle.

Since it’s an election year, I feel a sense of duty to remind my fellow American voters what’s at stake. This meme resonated with me:

A weaker military, recruiting issues, and unsecured borders—there’s going to be a price to pay for that incompetence.

It’s always nice to look back to happier times:

UPDATE: On the left is my younger brother, Gregory Lee. That’s me, John Mark, the middle child in the middle, and my older brother, Keith Randall, on the right. In the Mojave Desert with my brothers circa 1960. I grew up in the back of that Jeep 4×4 pickup truck.
Eleven years ago, I rode the tram to the top of Namsan mountain in Seoul. I really loved my Korean life.

Today’s YouTube video has Reekay holding court on the pros and cons of younger versus older Filipinas. I’ve been there and done that. I briefly dated an 18-year-old and Swan turns forty on Sunday. I had a relationship of sorts with Loraine before moving here and she was fifty and not a bargirl, but every bit as messed up as anyone else who wound up fucking me over. Anyway, that’s all in the past and I’ve found a good one now.

Today’s “humor” is a little different than usual. At least not so punny.

He’s screwed either way
Die, Anna!

Yeah, not so good. I’ll try harder next time.

Baby mellow my mind,
Make me feel like a
schoolboy on good time,
Jugglin’ nickels and dimes,
Satisfied with the
fish on the line.

4 thoughts on “Feeling dated

  1. Well John, while you’re letting a woman into your life I am doing my utmost to get a woman out of mine. It didn’t take long before the mask dropped with my ex. Earlier on she still had her lovey-dovey façade going on and at one point I had to put myself to bed because I was fucking trashed. As I was swimming in and out of consciousness I felt her sit on the bed next to me. “Do you want me to tell you something?” I think I heard her ask. Here we go; another lecture about how I don’t ‘appreciate’ her, I need to value her more, blah blah. “Do you want me to tell you something?” she repeated. I sleepily tried to wave her away. “Do you want me to tell you something?” “Ok, go ahead,” I sleepily mumbled. I felt her hand slide up and down my inner thigh and she giggled. “Well you need to take your pants off then, silly” I was not sure what the hell was going on and leaned up a little, “wha-?” I could only burble. “I asked ‘Do you want a blowjob?’ You need to take your pants off if you want one.” I laughed. I wasn’t sure how I misheard her on that one. I patted her hand and gently declined. I hadn’t showered for some six weeks by that point and I was still wearing the same clothes I put on at the end of April. I’m sure exposing someone’s face to my genitals would constitute a human rights violation.

    Later that evening we were smoking and drinking on the porch when she brought up that she withdrew the last of her cash from her bank account so she can’t order us Lyfts. Curiosity bit and I asked why she’s carrying so much cash on her. She said she was going to buy a car. I almost choked on my drink trying not to laugh. “You were going to buy a car…after how you got arrested last year?” I absentmindedly pointed out the warrant she has, for stoning me in the face, and that is the precise moment the mask dropped. The transformation was instant and complete; she’s smiling and giggling one minute and then her face droops into this cold and stern expression. “Why did you have to tell them about me!?” She hissed. “You could have said you fell over, or ran into a door or-” “-fell down some stairs?” I tried not to roll my eyes. She said it’s “not right” there’s a warrant out for her when she was only defending herself. “Erm, what?” I asked in incredulity. She recounted her version of events and it’s complete DARVO – that I attacked her, threw her to the ground, and she grabbed the rock and struck me because she was afraid for her life.

    I didn’t want to get into an argument but I couldn’t help myself. “That’s not true and you know it. You attacked me. You could have just walked away, you could have just slapped or punched me, but instead you calmly picked up that rock, closed the distance between us, and hit me in the face with it while my arms were at my sides. You could have killed me.”
    “No, no, you attacked me first. You’re not dead because I chose not to kill you!” Instant denial, I don’t know why I expected anything else. I quietly dropped the matter but there’s definite tension between us and if if weren’t for the booze I forced her to go buy earlier I would kick her out right here right now.

    Right now she is watching reruns of Airwolf on TV while all I want to do is play some Uriah Heep again and sink into my bed, but someone (I will let you guess who) wet the bed last night. My patience is wearing thin but there is alcohol yet to drink, so let’s get it going on!

  2. We both ordered the enchilada supreme

    Looks good, but as always: only one?

    In the Mojave Desert with my brothers circa 1960.

    Almost every time you put up that pic, you never label which one is you. I think you labeled the pic once, maybe twice, but I forget who’s who. You’d think the names of the kids in the pic would be the most important fact to convey… but perhaps you’re just going for a feeling, a vibe. Or you expect us to figure out who’s who on our own. After all, I’m sure it’s obvious to you.

    I really loved my Korean life.

    But based on what you’ve repeatedly said, you didn’t appreciate that life while you had it because you were too focused on this or that problem. So: did you really love your Korean life?

    Die, Anna!

    Dark humor’s not your usual style. Interesting.

    I’m glad you had a good date. Do your best to keep this lady.

  3. Kev, yes, only one enchilada and nothing on the side. Some beans and/or rice would have been nice.

    HaHa! I hadn’t realized I’d posted that old photo multiple times. I’ve updated the caption to include names. I’m the middle child (John Mark), my older brother is Keith Randall, and my little brother is Gregory Lee.

    Yes, for the most part, those years in Korea were the best of my life. I enjoyed my work and the Seoul lifestyle. I was happiest before Jee Yeun left me. My final year in Pyeongtaek was wasted lamenting the past and dreaming of the future. I regret not living in the moment and fully appreciating the beauty of my life there. Sometimes it is only in looking back that you realize all that you had.

    Dark humor is better than no humor, but it is not my favorite.

  4. Thompson, your girlfriend sucks (when you let her). She fetches your booze. And she provides inspiration to write about your misery. You could do worse! Although the way she gets her rocks off does sound painful.

    Guess it is up to you to decide whether your life is better with or without her. Good luck making the right call!

    “I learned a long time ago that reality was much weirder than anyone’s imagination.”
    Hunter S. Thompson

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