Hash this way

One of the benefits of being a Hare is you have the power to dictate the trail your fellow Hashers will follow. At least in theory. Guys like me tend to shortcut or change course as the mood dictates. And even though I was technically one of three Hares yesterday, I was mostly along to help lay down the powder and chalk. Pubic Head and Blow My Pipe already had the trail in mind, and I didn’t contribute anything to the planned course of action. Well, near the end, I took a detour, but that’s just my style.

My fellow Hares, Pubic Head and Blow My Pipe

Our trail was just a tad over 5K but featured two climbs. The first one was a butt-kicker, and the second one, coming late in the hike, wasn’t easy either. The feedback I got from a couple of die-hard Hashers was surprise–they didn’t expect such a challenging trail from the likes of me. Not that I had much to do with it.

The trail we laid
Steppin’ on up
The stairs turned to Bilbos. (Bag-ins)
Passing through a banana tree forest

Sometimes, the people you encounter along the way are the highlight of the trail. I had cookies and lollipops on hand to brighten their day a tad.

Greetings, young ones
Eat those cookies so you can grow up and be fat like me someday!
Making the best of what little they have
I’m by this way at most every couple of months or so, but the kids always come running whenever I’m nearby. It makes me smile every time.
A new way down took us through here. Can you see the little boy standing there with a “what are these white people doing here?” look on his face?
When we arrived, the resident told us that a tree had fallen during the night. What a thing to wake up to! Luckily, it didn’t totally collapse that shelter. A hard life gets harder.
But on the bright side, the kids have a new jungle gym to play on.
The second climb of the day.
The locals are almost always friendly
We arrived at the On-Home, Subiza Resort on Baloy, after marking the trail to see the icing of the beer was in progress. Good job!
The view from our resting place at Subiza.

The trail was marked and ready for the Hashers. Pubic Head met them at the Barretto High School starting point and provided last-minute guidance.

A gathering of Hashers
And they are On-On for Run #1604 of the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers!

I went home, blogged, napped, and showered, then headed back to Subiza for the Hash Circle.

A gathering of geezers. The guy seated on the far right is our newest named Hasher–Sir Clitoris.
The Hash Gash
Cumslinger got the Hashit.
This group of kids waded through the water, apparently to avoid paying the entrance fee to Baloy Beach.
A view of the bay from my Subiza vantage point

And that was that. I stopped by Snackbar for another beer before catching a trike back home. Not a bad day to be a Hasher, if I do say so myself.

If I lived in condo I would never take the elevator. Facebook memories reminded me why:

Today’s YouTube video is a little different–not from a vlogger I subscribe to. I came across it while doing my usual ‘netsurfing and found it interesting. It deals with the lifestyle of the native Aeta people here in the Philippines. I’ve been involved in several charity outreaches in local villages here, and the Aeta are always gracious, warm, and welcoming. Having said that, I almost never see them integrating into Filipino society. I don’t think it is discrimination; I think it is a choice. A fascinating culture.

To the humor, then:

That’s shocking
That’s about par for the course
Bend over

That’s all he wrote. For today, anyway.

4 thoughts on “Hash this way

  1. Why not give the Hashers a taste of a true McCrarey trail, shortcuts and all?

  2. I avoid climbing like the plague because I swear it makes me constipated. Otherwise my bowel movements are relatively consistent. I remember the first time I had ghostly white turds, back in 2015, and thought I was done for. The next night my poop was back to their usual brown-yellow tinge. Must have just been something I ate. When I’m on a bender nowadays I tend to snack, instead of eating proper meals, and peanuts are one of my favorite snacks; if I have nothing but peanuts and booze my shits turn out really, really, pale, like Satan’s own peanut butter extruded from my ringpiece.

  3. Kev, a McCrarey trail would not be popular with most of the Hashers, I fear. We basically have three groups–the diehards who want to push themselves to the brink every week, the socialites who just show up for the beer, and our “sane” bunch (the diehards call us “lame”) who long for a pleasant stroll and some camaraderie. Most Hares try to have long and short trail options to keep everyone happy.

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