Another sweet Sunday

Keep ’em coming! Two Barretto expats died last week and that serves as a timely reminder to live each day to the fullest. It may not be an exciting life I’m living, but it satisfices and beats the hell out the alternative. We’ll see how that works out for me, hopefully in the long run.

The Sunday sweetness began with our weekly candy walk. We added a couple of kilometers this week and put smiles on some new faces.

Let’s get this show on the road
First chocolate delivery
Saw some cute chicks
I feel bad for all the gals still looking for the King of Hearts
Gimme some, please!
Because it is there
We went thataway
Ran into a passel of first-time recipients
Over the river
A happy ending to this week’s candy walk
A tad over 7K this week

We were blessed with good weather on our walk. A couple hours after we finished, it looked like this outside:

No complaints about the rain. Yet.

The rain stopped before it was time to leave for the Hideaway feeding. I carried an umbrella for the first time this year, just to be on the safe side. I didn’t need it, though.

Dinner for five
Hungry Hideaway gals
Chowing down
I baked a batch of brownies for dessert

With the Hideaway feeding completed, it was time to feed Swan. John’s place is almost directly across the highway from Hideaway, and Swan was waiting for me when I arrived. Red wine for her and Zero for me while we awaited our dinner to be served.

Korean-style chicken wings for Swan
And beef bulgogi for me

As usual, the food at John’s was good. We had our nightcap at Green Room and ran into a couple of our neighbors, so that made a nice ending to the evening. Oh, and Sit-n-Bull had pecan pie in stock, so we brought home our dessert. A sweet ending to the day!

I’m one of the Hares for today’s Hash, so I was out marking the trail at 0800 today. Hot again, and I’m whupped right now. I’m sure I’ll recover in time to enjoy some cold beers at the Hash Circle. I’ll give the rundown on how it all goes tomorrow.

Today’s YouTube features some tough talk from President Marcos of the Philippines. I guess you could sing it to the tune of “This Land Is Our Land.” Actually, the Woody Guthrie song I’m thinking of is “This Land Is Your Land,” which wouldn’t be good to sing to China. Never mind!

And here’s the daily dose of humor:

If the shoe fits…
Soon enough, they won’t be allowed to ask anymore.

Okay, I really need a nap. Back tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Another sweet Sunday

  1. Woody Guthrie song I’m thinking of is “This Land Is Your Land”

    You know what we kiddies used to sing:

    this land is my land
    it shore ain’t your land
    Ah got a shotgun
    and you ain’t got one
    you better git off
    or Ah’ll blow yer heeeaaad off
    yer standin’ on mah propertee

    (One of many, many versions.)

    Soon enough, they won’t be allowed to ask anymore.

    Or there’ll be an entire page filled with 600 checkboxes and the instructions “Check as many as apply.”

    Happy Hare-ing.

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