Began the day with a group hike and ended it with a SOB at Hot Zone. Yep, pretty much your standard Friday around here.
A small gathering of six took our weekly trek, and we opted to ride a Jeepney out to WalterMart in Subic, then walk back to Barretto on the backroads. Easy peasy. Actually, after we reached Naugsol, Jens and Martin split off to do a mountain climb while the rest of us hoofed onward to my house for refreshments. Photos from the journey at the end of this post.
The SOB was my evening entertainment, and while waiting for the doors of Hot Zone to open at 5:00, I popped up to Cheap Charlies to pass some time. I also ordered some dinner from Foodies downstairs.

On a whim, I invited Joy from Hideaway to join me for the SOB. She was reluctant at first, fearing someone would tell her boss. I actually find that aspect of the bar scene here disgusting. In bars that have “take-out,” a girl seen out with a customer who hasn’t paid a “bar fine” to the bar is considered a sneak-out in violation of the rules and can be disciplined (have the bar fine deducted from her already meager pay). Well, I don’t do bar fines, and a woman should be free to do as she pleases with whomever she pleases on her day off, FFS. Anyway, Joy did decide to come and said she enjoyed the show.

But no one could compete with Hot Zone last night.

I sent Joy home after the show and started to think about where I would go next, but I decided the place I needed to go was home. So that’s what I did. I don’t have much staying power on the best of nights, but last night for some reason, I wasn’t breathing easy. Better to wimp out and live to tell (or write) about it another day. And now I have.
Oh, and I had a laugh-out-loud moment on the streets of Subic yesterday when I saw this sign posted to a telephone pole:

Alright, here are those hiking pictures you’ve been waiting for:

And that was the way things were. Now it’s about time to find out what’s going to happen next. See you here tomorrow!
UPDATE: A video of last night’s SOB (well, thirteen minutes of it, has been posted. Give it a look if you like watching pretty gals dancing. The pole dancer is first up, and she’s definitely worth a look.
Another good walk in the books, and a decent-sized portion of food after the meagerness of Thanksgiving.
I watched part of the second video, but dancing girls really aren’t my thing.
Yeah, it’s all good. I don’t frequent the bars with dancers much, but the SOB is a weekly indulgence. And that pole dancer was pretty impressive as an acrobat.
And I got my Thanksgiving leftovers fix in at Sit-n-Bull yesterday. So, I’m on a roll.