You’ll have a blast at Dynamite Dick’s! Yes, that’s an explosive pun, I hope it didn’t bomb. Alright, I’ll lower the boom and get on with the latest bar review.
Dick’s is rather unique among the bars of Barretto. I’d definitely put it in the “neighborhood pub” category, frequented by a regular crowd of locals who are served by a friendly staff and treated to the wit and witticism of the owner and bar’s namesake, Dick. The bar opens earlier than any other bar I know, around 7:00 a.m. It always trips me out when I go by on a morning walk and see folks having a beer for breakfast. It also closes early–6:30 p.m. last night. The bar has two or three waitresses on duty and that’s what they are there for–to serve food and beverages to the customers. They will gladly accept a drink offer but can’t entertain you like the girls in the juicy bars do.
About the only time I ever visit Dick’s is after one of our Wednesday/Friday hikes. The distance from my house and early closing is not convenient for me, but that said, I do enjoy the times I’m there.

I’m sitting in the owner’s chair in that photo above. That’s where Dick routinely holds court. He served in Vietnam with the Marine Corps and also was stationed here in the Philippines back in the 1970s. He’s always got stories and jokes to keep his customers entertained. He also routinely provides the table with a drink on the house. It’s a good time when Dick is holding court.

The only time I ever go inside the actual bar is to use the CR. Let’s take a look:

It’s a good bar and a fun place to hang out, especially if you are a morning/early in the day drinker. Despite the fact that I don’t fit that demographic much, it’s always nice to be entertained by the owner. Even though he is a Dick. *ahem*
The current rankings:
- Out Back Billabong
- Dynamite Dick’s
- Queen Victoria
- Hideaway
- Redz Pub
Heck, I’d give ole Dynamite some business just based on the fact he’s not PC. Then again, he’s not subject to the PC police like we are here in the States. The PC Police Chief is Sleepy Joe Biden. As a side note, I used to visit Maurice’s Piggie Park in Cayce on my way to the Carolina mountains. He flew the flag and was proud of his Southern heritage. Sadly, Maurice died a few years back and they no longer fly the flag. Peace Out!
Ah Maurice’s Piggie Park, that’s a happy memory! They opened a couple of smaller outlets with drive-thru in Columbia proper. One was near my house on Two Notch Road. I’d eat there at least once a week back in the day. Back in the day, they flew the battle flag over the state capital building as well. Times change.