Freedom day!

Today we celebrate our hard-won and long defended rights and freedoms. Make no mistake, that freedom is currently under attack. You can submit and conform or you can stand up and say “bullshit, mother fuckers!” Easy choice for me.

Last Sunday I was incapacitated by whatever it is that’s wrong with my leg. A week of antibiotics has reduced the swelling considerably, but I’m still not healed. So, my helper/caregiver harvested some guava leaves growing in the backyard and put them in a pot of hot water.

Apparently, they have many medicinal qualities, including as a disinfectant.
Not sure if it was the heat or the contents, but the application of the guava juice stung quite a bit.
After today’s guava treatment, she poked holes in the boil on my leg with a needle. Unsurprisingly, that created a stabbing pain.

My helper went back to the pharmacy today and the pharmacist said I needed a stronger antibiotic than the one I’ve been taking. Sold her some then and there, no prescription required. Is this a great country, or what?

Anyway, I’m mostly pain-free and much, much better than a week ago. To celebrate that fact I took a nice long (for me) 10K walkabout. I moved at an embarrassingly slow 14 minutes per kilometer, but that included photo ops and cookie stops.

This is actually my “standard long walk” trail, mostly flat. Still, it has been a couple of weeks since I’ve felt energetic enough to get out and do it, so I’ll call that an achievement.

I did that “photo every 1000 steps” or so thing to keep it a little more interesting. Wanna see?

Leaving the house down the dirt trail in the back.
1000 steps to the National Highway…
2000 steps led to wreckage on the highway.
3000 to Black Rock…
At 4000 I was regretting taking this path. Almost grown over, had to wade a creek, and someone is building a fence that will take away this option in the future.
5000 steps to the Govic highway…
6000 steps found me approaching Easter mountain.
Looking up from Naugsol valley at 7000 steps. I’ve been to the top of those mountains before and one of these days I’ll get up there again.
I can see Alta Vista off in the distance at 8000 steps.
Strolling through the backstreets of San Isidro at 9000 steps.
The final push to home at 10,000.
Arriving at my front door.

I must have messed up and lost count somewhere along the way. 7000 steps are usually when I hit 5K, but anyway, it’s the thought that matters, right?

Here it is on Relive:

Kevin Kim, you want to cook up a batch of these to take to work?

Sorry for being a dick!

Also wanted to give a shout out to one of the world’s greatest dickheads:

What he said.

I reckon that’s enough of this nonsense for now. Thanks for dropping by!

2 thoughts on “Freedom day!

  1. A very phallic post (post!) indeed. I like the “every 1000 steps” thing when you do it. While I still don’t think I have the clearest idea as to what is where in relationship to each other, I do have some notion of what lies within your “neighborhood,” so to speak. Things like “every 1000 steps” help to flesh that out in my head.

  2. Good to know! Everything around my neck of the woods is so familiar now it’s hard to find something new to photograph. The 1000 steps thing forces my hand. And with my new starting point, it mixes it up a little bit more. I will try to use this technique more often.

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