Well, ’tis the season after all. Burning season I mean.
What are they burning? Sometimes trash, sometimes brush and the like. Now, having experienced the crazy growth of that tall and irritating thatch grass I can perhaps dispense with some tolerance for the need to burn that shit up. Still, it does nothing for the air quality around here, that’s for sure.
Speaking of smoke, President Duterte has decreed that henceforth vaping will be banned in the Philippines. That really sucks for me, because I’m a prolific vaper. And folks, vape clouds are not smoke, any more than fog is smoke. Anyway, the practical impact on me is as yet to be determined. I’ve been allowed to vape in most bars since it was previously not included in the smoking ban statutes. I expect that I will soon be denied that privilege. Alas, it seems escaping the nanny state syndrome is becoming more and more difficult. I’m a guest in this country, so I reckon I’ll just have to shut up and suck it up. I guess if bad things come in threes (burglary, detention) this vape ban completes the trifecta.
Oh, that reminds me. I experienced a second home invasion yesterday.
The holiday season is in full swing here. Of course, that’s old news. In the Philippines, Christmas season begins with the first of the “ber” months (SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER, and DecemBER). It was disconcerting to hear holiday music blaring in the malls in the year’s ninth month, but what are you gonna do? Back when I was living in America, I made it a point to never decorate until AFTER Thanksgiving. But now I just go with the flow.
I confess part of my motivation was to shame would-be burglars. Or does it look more like an invitation? Oh well, it’s purdy.
Wherever you turn, the nanny state is there, and it continues to encroach despite the efforts of the true Resistance. Sorry to hear about the imminent vaping ban. What’re you gonna do when they ban beer and other intoxicants, thereby forcing you further and further into a Muslim lifestyle? Soon enough: no more pork, no more lady Hashers in tight shorts, none of that Western nonsense.
As for the ants: I heard years ago that boric acid is the answer for an ant problem. Learn more here.
Well, there’s always Venezuela.
Thanks for the ant tip. They aren’t a problem yet–as long as they stay outside!
Cheech and Chong are proud of you. I loved that film. Their best work. Peace Out!
HaHa, yes, I spent many a stoner night listening to the unique talents of C and C. Dave? Dave’s not here!