Down but not out

Woke up to a sunny morning. Agreed to meet up with my co-Hare, Pubic Head, to mark our trail for today’s Hash at 8:00 a.m. On my way to Johansson’s I’m walking down a sidewalk with a slight decline. It was wet and I saw the tell-tale signs of algae, so I expected it would be slippery. And sure enough, despite my efforts at being cautious, I lost my footing. Instinctively, I reached up to grab the concrete wall on my left hand side. Alas, the top actually broke off in my hand and I went down pretty hard on my ass. A couple of scrapes on my fingers was the extent of the damage though. Well, that and the loss of my e-cigarette that I’d been holding when I fell. It went sailing somewhere over the wall and wherever it landed I couldn’t see it. And so it goes.

Scott and I got to work laying powder and chalking arrows to guide the Hashers on today’s trail…
The trail was a little easier to hike today because it wasn’t so wet. Hopefully it won’t rain before the Hash starts at 3:30.

With three hours to go clouds are starting to form. Que sera, sera.

As we hiked today, Scott told me that a pretty well known expat here discovered his girlfriend dead from an apparent suicide (hanging). Said expat is currently being held in jail pending an autopsy. From what I’m reading on Facebook, her family doesn’t believe she killed herself. Whatever happened it’s a tragedy. She leaves two young children behind.

I knew him by name and reputation but had never met either. Rest in peace, Joy.

I’ve kind of been on the offensive (heh, that’s a double entendre), posting memes I’ve found regarding racism from the left. I’m frankly sick of hearing that ALL white people are (fill in the blank) based solely on the color of their skin. Here are some of my favorites:

Hello? Is there anybody in that empty head of yours?
“Why no, no I don’t.”
Yeah, I know, I know. It’s all Trump’s fault. He is such a racist after all...
The hypocrisy of many on the left is what rankles me most…
I’m so glad this woman is working her ass off to ensure President Trump is reelected…

Well anyway, there ain’t much point in belaboring the point. But if I have any lefty readers who wish to express a contrary view, feel free to speak your mind in the comments.

In the category of things that really matter, I found this fucking nightmare of a monster spider in my downstairs comfort room last night. As big as the palm of my hand. I sent him to spider heaven via bug spray and never shed a tear.
Ah, the good ol’ days of the early 80’s. Rockin’ it in my velvet shirt and Tom Selleck mustache. I was even a Democrat back then! Thanks for the memory Facebook…

Nap time now, then off to the Hash. I won’t be doing the trail again this afternoon though. This morning was enough for me. But I’ll still quaff my ration of beer of course!

I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down
But I get up again
You’re never gonna keep me down

UPDATE: One hour before it is time to Hash and the rain is pouring down. This will be sufficient to wash away our morning efforts at laying trail. Damn it to hell.

5 thoughts on “Down but not out

  1. I’m wondering whether that’s some sort of wolf spider (see more here). Wolf spiders come in all shapes and sizes; many are big-bodied, but some species have smallish bodies and long legs, like your house guest.

    Will also have to steal a couple of your memes. Too good not to steal.

  2. Yesterday we just had to give it up…the trail we laid was erased. Most of us did an abbreviated bar crawl and a couple of other guys when out hiking on their own. It sucks, but it happens.

  3. Well a bar crawl takes the challenge out of anothet algae adventure, unless you ingest some.

  4. Rascal, ha! Actually, the Hare is not expected to walk the trail again anyway. Of course, being a team player I went on the bar crawl!

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