Checking in, checking up, checking out

Looked at four properties today. All coincidentally 45,000 pesos per month ($900.). I’m leaning towards one, but haven’t made a final decision as yet. Gonna sleep on it.

In other news, I’m monitoring my vital stats and it seems to be a mixed bag since the move. Back in Korea, my blood pressure was usually in the mid 130s. Here in the Philippines, it’s been in the 1-teens. Last night in fact it was an almost scary 109/66. This morning, I was 114/79.

Conversely, my resting heart rate was in the high 60s, here it is in the high 70s. Not sure why that might be.

Also monitoring the weight, it’s been up and down but most recently up. I’ve been lacking some dietary discipline and imbibing more fluids (i.e. beer) because of the hot weather. Things will settle down soon enough I expect.

Going to head out and take one more gander at the house I’m considering. Will give a fuller report on the search efforts tomorrow. Stay tuned!

1 thought on “Checking in, checking up, checking out

  1. I suspect your medical stats are merely a reflection of the fact that you’re in the “fading shock waves” phase of the recent upheaval that accompanies a major life-transition. Gotta say, though, that that’s some enviably low blood pressure! As for mild weight gain: I’d say you’ve fuckin’ earned it. It’s okay to slack off for now, as long as you hit the trail once you’re mentally and spiritually ready to do so.

    Will be curious to see pics of whichever properties we LTG readers haven’t seen yet. Good luck deciding!

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