Oh yeah, it was Friday. Well, I did my half-day of duty at K-16. Zero customers, but loneliness is in my job description. Apparently. I have mastered the fine art of sleeping on the paid bus ride back to Yongsan though, so there’s that.
I then hiked into Itaewon and enjoyed some beers at Shenanigans before moving next door to Dolce Vita for the Friday night darts tournament. Didn’t have much success during the tourney, but my ticket was drawn for the trip shoot (3 darts at the triple of a randomly drawn number). I managed to hit two triple 16s, which was good for a sweet W180,000.
Saturday night found me back at Shenanigans for a meet-up with my nephew Justin.

Justin has a birthday this week, so Yeonwook snuck out to Baskin-Robbins and returned with an ice cream birthday cake. Beer and ice cream, better together than you might think.
This coming weekend Justin will be joining the wife and I on a trip down to Busan, or more likely, Haeundae beach. I reckon I’m about due for a change of scenery.
On Sunday, it was back to Itaewon yet again for some Singles League dart action.

I’ve been on a roll, but admittedly I have yet to play the top players in the league. I’ll get my comeuppance one day soon.
I do believe Monday morning was the coldest day I’ve experienced since my return to Korea. It was a chilling walk to the subway and then to the bus station on Yongsan. By the afternoon it had warmed up considerably so I figured my afternoon hike would be more pleasant. But right at quitting time it began to snow.
Monday night was the pub league match against our sister team from Dillinger’s bar. They are by far the best team in Itaewon which they amply demonstrated by handing us an old fashioned ass kicking. My 1-8 performance certainly did not help.
In other news, I’m still holding on to some fading hopes that I might substantially improve my employment situation. Everyone professes to want me back, except the one person who doesn’t know me, who is also the person I’d be working for should I be hired. I have reason to believe that her reluctance stems from a fear that as the former boss I might not adapt well to being a worker bee. Although truth be told, that’s exactly what I prefer to be. Anyway, I gave her a call on Monday and said I’d like the opportunity to sit down with her and address whatever concerns she may have about me. She agreed to do that, but wasn’t able to say when. I gave her my phone number and now I will await a call that may or may not come.
Today I have frittered away the hours in the depths of a CIV IV game.
And that’s about it for this iteration of my so-called life.