More of the same for me. Today will be Hash Monday with some beer on the side. Yesterday I enjoyed a pulled pork sandwich and beer at John’s place. John has just published his new menu, and since at least one of my readers is a foodie, I thought I’d share it here:

Overall, I’d rate this the best quality food in town. John takes pride in what he serves, and it shows. If it seems a little pricey (I figure it as 50 pesos to the dollar), it’s because he will only use the best ingredients. That means late-night road trips to the fish market in Bataan or the meat market in Manila. The taste is worth the effort, so says I.
Speaking of food, after my meal, I popped into the Hideaway Bar to see Joy and the girls. Joy was hungry, and I asked what she wanted–she responded a taco from the Coffee Shop. I sent one of the waitresses across the street to get 1000 pesos worth (they are P150 each).

I drank some more beer and enjoyed watching the gals devour their taco dinner.

When I’d finished my duties at Hideaway, I headed on up the highway towards home. I knew I had one more stop left in me, but where? Mother Nature, in the form of my bladder, dictated that would be Cheap Charlies. I guess word got out because last night I was completely ignored by the bargirls. Well, the bartender made them bring me my beers, but no one attempted to sit with me. Fine by me, I’d rather drink alone than with rude company. Saves me money too! I had three beers to prove my point, then grabbed a trike for home.
This morning, I did my usual Monday 5K walk to Baloy Beach and back.

Oh, and I have this photo of the retaining wall on Govic highway that I like:

In other news, via Facebook memories comes this photo of my old Korean girlfriend (Say Wha?). She doesn’t like her pictures posted on my pervy blog, so she will remain nameless here.

So, I guess I’ll end today’s post on a religious note:

Yeah, if I ever visited your neck of the woods, I’d probably spend my entire time (and fortune) at John’s place, and I’d be more bloated than Jabba the Hutt by the time I got back to Seoul. That’s a really impressive menu. Now, let’s see him expand to Ethiopian, Moroccan, and Indian food!
Naw, you’d sweat it off on some of those hilly trails you’d be hiking after you eat.