A commenter asked about the process of nephew Justin acquiring his Hash name. Here’s how it went down:
First, the unnamed is called into the circle and told to take a seat on the ice.

As Justin’s sponsor, I gave a brief introduction. Born in Oklahoma, raised in Nebraska, college in D.C., then following me to Korea some ten-odd years ago. Oh, I also shared the fact that all of Justin’s relationships with Korean women over the years have been unsuccessful. So, he tried dating a Filipina in Korea, and yep, that failed too. Finally, I recounted how we were at a bar the other night and I introduced our waitress to “my lonely nephew”. She responded “I’m a lesbian.”
The first stage of the naming is to go around the circle and have Hasher’s ask Justin questions. After considering the answers, we go around the circle and Hasher’s suggest potential names. Mine was “Girls don’t like me”.
Once the suggested names are gathered, we do a voice vote and pare the list of possibilities down to the top three. Then we voice vote again. In the end, the consensus of the Subic Bay Hash Houe Harriers was that henceforth Justin will be known by the Hash name of “My Girlfriend’s A Lesbian”.
I’ve been having some fun with that these past couple of days. Like in a bar with strangers around I’ll quietly ask “what’s your Hash name again?.” I love the reactions on the faces when his response is overheard.
Anyway, that’s the story.
I have faith that there’s some non-lesbian woman out there for Justin. If that’s the life he wants, of course!