That’s the drone footage from Friday’s hike. I’ve never seen myself walking before, and it’s nice to have an aerial perspective of the surrounding landscape. Thanks, Brian!
I awoke to another morning rainstorm yesterday, but it let up in time to do the dog walk on schedule.

My Standard Solo Saturday Street Stroll didn’t meet my usual standards. I just didn’t have the energy to complete my normal route, so I shortcut and called it quits at 4K (the regular walk is six).

Swan had a visit from a girlfriend in the afternoon, and she joined us for a bit when we ventured out to Treasure Island to see the Engine band.

Hmm, maybe sipped should be guzzled. When it came time to pay the tab, I was shocked to discover I had downed ELEVEN San Mig Zeros. On the plus side, they had Zero. On my last visit, I had to drink San Miguel Light (5% alcohol versus 3%). And even after all that beer, I was only slightly buzzed. So, the night ended well.

I reckon when the tensions between two nations are escalating, it is only natural that memes would begin to appear.

I saw this and had to laugh. Facebook has slapped fact-checks on my posts now and then and even deleted one with a warning that my account would be suspended for similar violations in the future. Most of my “lies” were Covid scamdemic related, and I have subsequently been proven correct in my assertions.

Facebook did share a memory from way back in 2009 today.

Today’s YouTube video is an update on the response from the Philippines to China’s attack on one of its supply ships. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding. Henceforth, the Philippines will tell China when it is sending supplies to an island within its own territorial waters. What a ballsy move! And be sure you say please.
Let’s laugh while we can:

Hey, Thompson, are you okay? Haven’t heard from you and I’m thinking maybe you pissed the girlfriend off again and she grabbed another rock.
Gonna do the Hideaway feeding soon, then meet up with Swan for dinner. She requested we go to Pujon Corner, a grilled meat place here in town. I’ll let you know how that goes tomorrow.
re: video
Nice shots! In editing the video, he used every type of “wipe” transition in the book, giving the video a slightly Star Wars-y feel. The musical track was pleasant in an easy-listening, elevator-music sort of way—better than the obnoxious dance music that so many video editors seem to prefer.
The morning view from my patio
Red sky in morning, sailors take warning!
My blog’s new masthead.
Did you Photoshop your banner, or did someone else do it for you?
It’s easy to get mixed up when you cook
That’s the moment someone’s gotta pipe up and say, “Dat boy don’t got no sense.”
Hey, Thompson, are you okay?
His comments are hundreds of words in length, so maybe the candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long…? If you want staying power and/or consistency, you have to pace yourself!
Maybe he’s finally cleaning up his beshitted bed. I can relate.
Enjoy Pujon Corner.
Cool drone footage. Nice perspective on your walk.
I do have to ask = the 11 beers; what was the elapsed time to drink those? 😛
As I recall, we were at Treasure Island for a little over three hours.
Kev, And now I know what a “wipe” is.
I paid someone to do the banner with a photo a friend took.
Of course, the instructions weren’t clear either–who uses “glass” as a form of measurement? I just bought a new measuring cup so I get accurate amounts of ingredients in the few things I do cook.
Yeah, I had gotten to where I enjoyed reading Thompson’s tales of woe. Assuming they are, in fact, make-believe, he has a talent for concocting a funny story. Sorry he found my blog unworthy for future comments. And yes, the shitting-the-bed tale was strangely coincidental with what happened to you.
We wound up going to John’s place last night. We’ll hit up Pujon later in the week.