Last night found me at Friend Bar. Or Club Friend, depending on which signage you believe. Dark, dank, and dirty; it is my least favorite venue in Itaewon. I only frequent the joint when our dart team is scheduled to play there. Located halfway up “Hooker Hill” getting there always makes for an interesting walk. It’s the only street in town where the girls call me “handsome man” and beckon me to come inside. Although they may have actually been transgenders, who can tell?
The bar does feature some interesting art work:

Top this asshole was my mantra last night as I contributed a 9-3 performance to our team’s 26-13 victory.

Did you hear about the time a Japanese, a Korean, a Canadian, and an American walked into a bar? The called themselves “Dartitis Quarantine” and proceeded to kick some Friend Bar butt.

Everyone threw exceptionally well. It was my best night for marks in a long time. Three of my twelve legs were 501, and all I managed was a ton-80–and lost the leg anyway.
So, 10-2 last week, 9-3 last night, and 14-2 in singles league on Sunday against one of the top dogs. No idea how long this hot streak will last but I’m enjoying the hell out of the ride!