Despite a nasty hangover from last night’s over indulgence, I set about hiking a new section of the local river this morning. Unlike the Han, there are very few bridges. Well over two hours into my walk I finally reached this bridge:

But it was a freeway. So, I could either turn around and retrace my steps (something I absolutely despise doing) or I could seek out a new route home.
I chose the later option. The only exit from the river trail was across a narrow concrete jetty through the adjacent rice paddies. I could see traffic way off in the distance, so I figured what the hell. The farmers must have thought I was nuts.
So when I reached the highway I saw a sign that pointed to Pyeongtaek/Ansan. Well, that’s generally the right direction although I live in Anjeong-ri. After a goodly long walk my road intersected with highway 45 leading to Pyeongtaek. Problem is, that’s a major thoroughfare not conducive to pedestrian traffic. So, I took a detour and walked through the sleepy little village of Bucheon-ri.

At this point I was at the three hour mark which is pretty much my max and I wasn’t entirely clear where I was or how to get to where I was going.
Nothing to do but soldier on. After awhile I saw a taxi on a cross street up ahead. I wondered about the odds of his turning in my direction (well, I guess they could have been 50-50). He did turn my way so next I wondered if he might be empty. As he approached I saw that he was indeed without a fare. Deciding it was providence I flagged him down and said take me to Anjeong-ri. A few minutes into the ride I realized that if I had walked on for ten more minutes I would have known where I was. But that was still a 45 minute hike away from home, so I was glad to be in the cab anyway.
Had the cabbie drop me at the street market where I purchased some fresh bananas for tomorrow’s traditional Sunday smoothie.
Sounds like quite a walk! And at 24.5K steps, it seems you did substantially more than three hours’ schlepping—more like four hours. Awesome work.