And what a time it was. Sunday rolled around once more and was full of the usual Sunday things. The Candy Walk resumed after a one-week hiatus, and the children all seemed happy to see us again. I’m one of the Hares along with Pubic Head for next Monday’s Hash Candy Run, and we are going to incorporate the San Isidro neighborhoods into our trail. That oughta be fun watching the kids get greeted by Santa Claus. We sweetened up 250 of them yesterday.

Next on my Sunday agenda was the Hideaway feeding.

Three gin and sodas later, I successfully crossed the highway and climbed the stairs to the third floor of John’s place.

Then we took a stroll down the highway for our nightcap at the Green Room. We enjoy chillin’ out with our favorites, Chu and Sally, and watching the other girls play pool. Two of them last night were the absolute worst players I’ve ever seen. It was so comically bad that I was actually laughing out loud seeing their consistently missed shots. When they finally finished what might have been the longest game of 8-ball in history, I gave them each fifty pesos and thanked them for the show.
I made it home safe and sound after eight drinks of gin over the course of the evening. For my nighttime treat, I mixed up a bowl of vanilla pudding, and it was so good I had a second helping. Clearly, my better judgment was impaired.

Today’s addition to The Story of My Life is a Christmas tribute to my stepdaughter Hillary, who was serving in Afghanistan with the US Army twenty years ago.
Here is a meme with some harsh truth about the lying liars who call themselves “experts”:

Today’s YouTube is a light-hearted take on weirdos who always want to hike. Lucky for me, Swan has come to enjoy our walks almost as much as I do.
The funny stuff:

Okay, another Hash Monday is in my immediate future. Today’s trail is out in Subic-town, but we have a sane Hare (Pubic Head), so I’m looking forward to seeing what’s in store. I’ll post the full report tomorrow.
Good luck with the Hash. You guys haven’t been tempted to use the new golf cart to do your candy rounds, have you? Oh, no… I’ve put the idea into your head.
LOL. I had the same thought as @Kevin, though was thinking about the upcoming Santa hike. Maybe you could decorate your golf cart like a sleigh and you and Swan could be a couple of the elves helping Santa hand out candy.
Re: stupid stuff on Twitter: Yeah, people on both sides have a tendency to forget that the internet is forever. There are so many times that I will see something stupid written and think, “that is not going to age well”
I took it for a test drive in the neighborhood but there is no way I’d drive it on the street. I’ve advised Swan to stay off the highway, but we’ll see. The Santa trail next week had portions that would be inaccessible in a vehicle anyway.
There are so many times that I will see something stupid written and think, “that is not going to age well”
I trust you’ve never thought that while reading LTG!
Nope, I never want to drive or ride in that cart on the highway. It’s fine in the neighborhood. We had to pick up a package at the guard shack yesterday, and I drove it down for that, but that’s as far as I’ll go.