Ok, a little disclaimer. I admit to keeping an eye on my numbers. And I do like knowing people are coming by for a read and hopefully a comment. I went into this almost two months ago, and I did so with low expectations. But I also knew that if my only readers were family and friends, it would still be a great way to stay in touch and document this period of my life.
And I am having a great time blogging. I post things that I find interesting. Selfish or not, that really is my standard. Obviously, a lot of the stuff I write or link to is not for everyone. So if at times I bore you, I hope I keep things varied enough that you will come back another day. Or not if my view of interesting is something that rarely appeals to you. I don’t know how I would catergorize this blog or its readers, but I appreciate you all. If I attract a larger audience over time that would be great. If it remains just “us”, hey, that’s cool too. Sometimes it’s not the destination that matters, it’s the ride.
So, last week I got linked for the first time by the blogfather himself, Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit fame. It was actually a “sub” link (an update to a previous post, which does not generate the traffic of a “unique” link.) For those who don’t know, Glenn gets 200,000 readers a day on average, I am somewhere just over 100 (a little rodent in ecosystem). Take a look at this chart for an idea of what even a sub link from Glenn will do:
Pretty amazing, huh? Anyway, it is truly an honor to be linked by anyone, whether or not it generates a spike in traffic. It means someone likes something you posted well enough that they are willing to send people your way to check it out. That’s the ultimate compliment in the blog game.
So what I guess I meant to say when I started this post is thank you all. Sincerely.
I appreciate that you would be willing to share your experiences with us. Yeah, some of what I read here doesn’t interest me, but that’s okay. It’s not about me. I’m just happy knowing that you’re only a click away…and although you aren’t here to grace us with your quirky humor 😉 you’ve still got it and I can still laugh. Les, Kim and I miss you. Take care
Thanks, Leslie. I miss you guys too. Hope you are well.
A Freeper posted a link to my site on FreeRepublic.com today and I got a hundred new visitors! It’s amazing what a well placed link can do!
Wow! I’m like you – I love seeing new people link me, even if they bring no extra traffic because it’s a new blog to read and chances are I’ll enjoy some others they’ve linked.
Hey John,
I’m still hangin’ in here as well. I find you to be a very interesting writer. It’s too bad more people don’t leave comments. I’m sure it’s a rush to get feedback. Keep on bloggin’
Hi John,
I don’t pay any attention to how many visitors I get. I have yet to check site stats:shock: Blog because you want to blog…people will come and read.
Thanks Raven. I do enjoy having a forum to air my thoughts, even without readers. The few I have are very loyal and actually have shared some great insights on the issues.
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