The Y of the V

A sign of the times

A sign of the times

According to Time magazine, the ubiquitous “V” sign that Asians universally flash whenever they are photographed is all about a fallen American figure skater.

I remain unconvinced.  Plus, I’m doing it wrong.

UPDATE: Commenter Kevin notes that my “V” style is more apropos to the traditional British fuck you.

Fook you, ya damn Yankee wanker...

Fook you, ya damn Yankee wanker…

The origins of which are well known:

Winston Churchill famously telling Hitler to fuck off...

Winston Churchill famously telling Hitler to fuck off…


6 thoughts on “The Y of the V

  1. Yes: by showing the back of your hand while raising two fingers, you’re doing the English “fuck you” sign– their analogue to the middle finger.

  2. I can confirm i am officially offended!!
    I should be back in Seoul between 6th – 10th October, i will forgive you if you buy me a beer!!

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