Geez, two political posts in a row. Don’t worry, I’m not going to make this a habit. It just seems that the killing of terrorist mastermind Qasem Soleimani has made the left lose its collective mind. Examples of full-on America hating are being spouted all over the internet, but I want to focus on one a little closer to home. Carol (ex-wife #3) posted a link to this article in Rolling Stone that starts off:
The American public should distrust a “weak” and “ineffective” president whose “poll numbers are in a tailspin” if he provokes a military confrontation with Iran. He’s doing it to “save face” and “look tough” in a transparent attempt “to get reelected.”That was the stark warning that Donald J. Trump voiced repeatedly on social media in the early 2010’s about his predecessor, Barack Obama. The comments have taken on discouraging resonance at the dawn of 2020, as president Trump — impeached by the House and facing trial in the Senate, his approval ratings mired in the low forties — ordered a drone strike that killed top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani. The assassination of the powerful commander of Revolutionary Guard threatens to spark a broader war with the Persian Gulf nation.
What a load of ignorance. Trump is more popular than ever these days and his most ardent supporters acknowledge that war with Iran could only hurt his standing in the polls. But the killing of Soleimani was the right thing to do and so the President did it. Now, I pretty much just ignore Carol’s political posts but this time I dropped something in the comments for shits and giggles:

Her response:
Iran did not attack the embassy and this was planned prior to the attack carried out by Iraqis.
Wow. Seriously? So I figured I’d end things with this:
If you are so willfully ignorant that you do not understand how Iran has been using its proxies to commit acts of terror for years, there is nothing more I can say to you. I hope you feel safe and secure in the land of denial. I won’t bother commenting on your posts in the future. There now, feel better? Bless your heart
But she didn’t want to let it go:
I am aware that Iran provides monetary support to Shite muslims and that includes groups identified by our government as terrorist. I do not know that these groups carry out direct orders from Iran or that everything they do was ordered by Iran. And neither do you. The man was an enemy. I do not mourn him. However, he was not worth a war or the loss of thousands of American lives. It is a no win situation.We have not lost thousands of American lives because of that guy. The claim is that hundreds of lives have been lost because of him. His policies and plotting. Iran could easily say Trump has killed thousands of Iranians because of his policies and plotting. We would reject such a claim just as they reject it. If we go to war thousands of Americans will die directly killed by Iranians.
As for Soleimani he was a bad man from an American perspective because he was regrettably good at his job. He was not a bad man to his people. Patton is an American hero but he was a bad man to inhabitants of Northern Africa and Germany. He flew in after the embassy siege so no he was not there directing it. It is very likely he was there trying to win concessions for Shi’ites from the Iranian Sunni led government. Moreover Trump ordered his assassination prior to the embassy siege in retaliation for the missile strike at Kirkuk.
Lest you forget the US started the war in Iraq. That war led to Sunni Iraqis mistreatment of Shi’ite Iraqis, which led to the formation of Iraqi Shi’ite militias, who in turn targeted Americans because we are propping up a Sunni government when Shi’ites are the majority. Yeah Soleiman probably helped train them. Iran is probably financing them. BUT NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF WE HAD NOT GONE TO WAR WITH IRAQ.
See what I mean? The moral equivalence and America hatred just oozes. I left things with this quote from an interview with General David Petraeus:
“Again, it is impossible to overstate the significance of this action. This is much more substantial than the killing of Osama bin Laden. It’s even more substantial than the killing of Baghdadi. ”
Anyway, time was wasted, but no minds were changed. I’m glad that Carol is happy. Ignorance being bliss and all.

Here in the real world, well, my world in the Philippines, life continues despite the outbreak of insanity back home. And this gave me a chuckle:

God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy.
This old man and me
Were at the bar and we
Were having us some beers
And swapping I-don’t-cares
Talking politics
Blonde and red-haired chicks
Old dogs and new tricks
And habits we ain’t kicked
We talked about God’s grace
And all the hell we raised
Then I heard the ol’ man say
“God is great, beer is good
And people are crazy”
I love how she wrote “Shite Muslims.” Inadvertent truth is the best kind. She’s a real piece of work, isn’t she.
Not a peep when Obama was drone-striking thousands, then suddenly an uproar when Trump moves to protect our own people and send a message about what future violence will entail. Kissing the enemy’s ass, indeed.
Meanwhile, liberals are upset that Trump is mulling a draw-down in Syria (and, while we’re at it, Afghanistan). From the libs’ point of view, we need to stay in Syria and fight (“We can’t abandon the Kurds!”). So the left is pro-war… except when it’s anti-war. Uh-huh.
Just predict to Carol that no war will come of what’s just happened. She seems convinced otherwise, so let reality be the arbiter, and we’ll soon see who’s closer to reality. All the smart people are saying, “Relax—not gonna be a war.” All the retards, meanwhile, are shitting their pants.
Genuinely surprised she didn’t call the other faction Sunny muslims. Shite and Sunny muslims. No wonder they don’t get on.
Yeah, the internal inconsistency and hypocrisy still astound. Change Trump to Obama and the left is celebrating this take out. I’ve never understood that about the left. I mean, if someone uses the wrong pronoun or some other PC faux pas, they are shunned or worse. Yet, in Iran, all the things they unjustifiably accuse the right of doing are taking place on a daily basis. Hanging homosexuals? Stoning women who get raped? Lashing a woman for the way she dresses? Yep, all that and more without a peep from the left. When the Mullahs took over Iran it was the left they purged first. You would think they’d want to join in the fight to rid the world of these bastards. But no, because Trump is worse. Ignorance abounds.
Dan, they are indeed Sunny bitches…
“When the Mullahs took over Iran[,] it was the left they purged first.”
This is a point that Dr. John Pepple, over at I Want a New Left, hammers on repeatedly. Yet American leftists and feminists keep cozying up to the Islamists. It’s the old “persuade the nice crocodile to eat you last” dynamic.
Your captcha code says “8 Feb.” Prophecy? Something big happening on that date?
Damned if I know. But mark your calendar anyway.