A fine, fine song from The Band.
Speaking of taking a load off Fanny, after last week’s flat line I am pleased to report a three pound drop this week. That puts me a 236.5, a 42 pound overall reduction and that brings me to within 20 pounds of my goal. The original objective was a 60 pound loss, which I have slightly modified to getting somewhere between 215 and 220 and then maintaining that weight long term.
The other good news is that my girth now stands at 44″, which constitutes a reduction of 7.5″. I’m wearing my 38 inch waist jeans again for the first time in years (I had tried to give them to Goodwill but Jee Yeun had insisted I keep them “just in case”). My triple XL shirts fit me like a tent now as well.

That’s me at 25. See that belt? I’ve still got it. And I can actually wear it again. Of course, I’m on the notch closest to the end and it’s a tight squeeze, but still…
Onward and downward!
Most excellent. Congrats!
Very impressive and kudos for sticking with it.
Thanks guys. Appreciate the support.