Or should I say the Walrus’ back?

Either way, the Walrus was spotted in Itaewon for the first time in too long this weekend. As one wag put it, the photographer captured my good side in this pic.
Friday night darts at Dolce Vita featured a round robin format which I rather enjoyed. You throw a lot more darts than in the typical double elimination tournament. I failed to make the cut into the championship round, which I blame on my inability to properly adjust to 16 ounce Korean beers after months of drinking 12 ounce ultra light beers in the USA. Or maybe I just threw crappy.
Saturday was the end-of-season tournament for the Seoul International Dart League. I threw better there, but not good enough to actually win anything.
Got lots of heartfelt welcome backs which made me feel good. Indeed, it is good to be back.