Thanks for the reminder, Facebook. This is how I spent my day seven years ago:

And even though that old fat guy is dead and gone, the pain still lingers. What’s done is done and what’s gone is gone. Sometimes though I still have to tell my brain to shut the fuck up and let it go.
Facebook also provided this happier memory from five years ago:

Today I crossed the river into the Subic municipality for my morning walk without incident. Didn’t even ask to see my quarantine pass, just took my temperature (36.3C). Well, they are spraying cars entering with some kind of disinfectant and I got squirted as I passed by. I’m pretty sure it was unintentional.
The subdivisions (Santa Monica and Sierra Hills) I normally walk through were closed to visitors (as is my own), so I just walked the highway. Lots less traffic than normal, so that was a plus. When I got to where I cut back over to get home I encountered this roadblock:

I’m not sure what to expect next from the powers that be, but one article I read said everyone might be required to jump off a bridge.

.Man, I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. And now my Fitbit is malfunctioning. I went online to see how to go about resolving the problem and saw quite a few folks had had a similar failure. Fitbit resolved the issue by sending them a new device. Obviously that’s not going to help me though. I also can’t order a new one because all the delivery services here have been shut down.
I feel like a canister of Morton salt.

UPDATE: I see that I had another “seven year ache” post back in January 2018 as I marked the anniversary of my mother’s passing.
I’m sure your cell phone has a pedometer. It’ll take some getting used to, given how you’ve come to trust your FitBit, but you’ll adapt. As you know, I treat my own pedometer with some suspicion.
Wow– that get-together was already five years ago? Damn.
Yeah, what I like about the Fitbit though is that it measures other aspects like heart rate and sleep patterns. I’ll find a replacement eventually, in the meantime, a pedometer will have to do. That’s how I started out, so it’s kinda back to the future.
Indeed, time does fly!
At the risk of stating the obvious, I assume you have checked it is not something as simple as needing a new battery??
Anyways, keep safe and sane in these crazy time!!!!
Well, it goes on a charger so no battery per se, it normally holds the charge for 5 days. Some kind of malfunction, but I’ve tried doing a “reboot” and that didn’t work.