It’s funny the things you remember sometimes. When I was thinking about how to characterize how I spent my time yesterday, the word “satisfice” came to mind. Then, I recalled the days when I was climbing the ladder through levels of government bureaucracy as a supervisor and manager for Uncle Sam. Periodically, we’d be sent to training seminars at the taxpayers’ expense to learn skills to become more effective leaders. At one such session, I was introduced to the concept of satisficing. Contrary to most of my training, this tidbit proved useful over the years. The way the instructor explained it, as managers, we had to both make efficient use of our time and encourage the growth and development of our subordinates. An example I remember from the training went something like this: You assign a staff member to write a policy memo. When you are provided a draft for review, you find that while it conveys the purpose adequately, it is not written in the manner you prefer. So, you can reject the work and have it redone, or you can waste your own precious time rewriting it yourself. The third option was to accept that while it was not done the way you would have, it did serve to communicate the policy’s intent–it satisfices. Over the years, many things passed my desk for approval, and I would invoke that mantra in acceptance. I did a quick Google search of the word today and was surprised to see a Wikipedia entry for satisficing. They describe a more scientific approach than I took, but the idea is pretty much the same.
About yesterday, then. I mentioned that I had decided to forego the Hash, but I needed to determine how I might best fill those hours in a meaningful way. But as I considered options, nothing particularly appealed to me. I hadn’t spent any time over the weekend in the bars of Barretto, and oddly enough, I wasn’t missing that scene. I thought about doing my own hike, but I wasn’t feeling up for a solo walk either. In the end, I walked across town to John’s place, ordered the Korean wings to go, and took them across the street to Hideaway to share with the crew since I hadn’t been there for the Sunday feeding.
After an hour, I moved on. Blue Butterfly Bar was sold and is now called Roadhouse. I like that name much better. I dropped in to see what was up, but other than some new signage and fewer girls, it didn’t seem much different. I had one beer there and departed. Now what? As I stood on the highway, considering the multiple bar options surrounding me, nothing appealed more than the thought of going back home. So, that’s what I did after stopping in at Sit-n-Bull for some pecan pie (Swan’s favorite) to take with me.
When I walked through the door, I put the pie on the counter, grabbed a beer, and headed up to the roof. Swan was already there enjoying a glass of wine and was happy to have me join her.

Later, we went downstairs with the intention to watch some “Shameless,” but for some reason, Netflix wouldn’t load on the TV. We settled for a couple of YouTube videos, then headed off to bed for some bliss before sleep.
It was a far from perfect day, but it satisficed.
Today’s Quora Q&A (from November 2022):
Q: What would you say to someone if they became a millionaire overnight?
A: Sharing is caring.
Today’s attempts at humor:

So now I’m praying for the end of time
To hurry up and arrive
‘Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you
I don’t think that I can really survive
I’ll never break my promise or forget my vow
But God only knows what I can do right now
I’m praying for the end of time
It’s all that I can do (ooh, ooh)
Praying for the end of time
So I can end my time with you
We’ll so something a little more upbeat for today’s song:
I hope you found today’s post to be satisficing.
re: satisficing
A portmanteau of “satisfy” and “suffice.” Fancy way of saying “good enough.” But it’s not Elvis’s verb “to satisfaction”:
A little less conversation, a little more action, please
All this aggravation ain’t satisfactioning me
So, that’s what I did after stopping in at Sit-n-Bull for some pecan pie (Swan’s favorite) to take with me.
Using your lady as cover for your own vices, I see!
We had some music playing, and Swan was rocking the rocker (which is why the photo is blurry).
She looks as if she’s being launched off the roof by a Swan-a-pult.
re: that Kirk/David Marcus meme
Poor Merritt Butrick, who played David Marcus in Star Treks II and III. Died of AIDS and toxoplasmosis at age 30, says Wikipedia. Leonard Nimoy wrote about him in one of his autobiographies (I Am Spock, I think).
I’m surprised you didn’t end the post with Elvis.
Kev, when it comes to pecan pie, caring is definitely sharing!
I hadn’t heard the sad story of Merritt Butrick. RIP!
So, you are a big Elvis fan? I don’t recall those “satisfactioning” lyrics, nor was I familiar with the song “A little less conversation” that you linked. Rock on!
I’m actually liking your roof escapades at the Rite Spot On The Roof. What’s not to like? Great view and great company when you are with your main squeeze or your friends. And don’t forget the added bonus of no lady drinks to buy. Might become the new Cheers. You kinda remind me of Norm from the show. I’ll never forget this line from the show when Norm was asked, “What’s going down Normie?” He replied, “My butt cheeks on that bar stool”.(LOL) That definitely sounds like something McCrarey would say. I know, you’ll say you are Cliff Claven, the mailman, but no, you have Norm written all over you. Hey, you had a pretty good crowd the other night. If you need a bouncer for the Rite Spot when you have a large gathering let me know and I’ll send you my resume.(3 confirmed kills in Desert Storm) I’ll get those young-ins off their smartphones And finally, at the next party at the Rite Spot can you please breakout the karaoke machine and sing this for me?
Up on the Roof by The Drifters
When this old world starts getting me down
And people are just to much for me to face
I climb way up to the top of the stairs
And all my cares just drift right into space
On the roof, it’s peaceful as can be
And there the world below can’t bother me
Let me tell you now
When I come home feelin’ tired and beat
I go up where the air is fresh and sweet
I get away from the hustling crowd
And all that rat race noise down in the street
On the roof, the only place I know
Where you just have to wish to make it so
Let’s go up on the roof
At night the stars put on a show for free
And darling, you can share it all with me
I keep a telling’ you
Right smack dab in the middle of town
I’ve found a paradise that’s trouble proof
And if this world starts getting you down
There’s room enough for two
Up on the roof
Up on the roof
Oh, come on, baby
Oh, come on, honey
Everything is all right
They don’t make songs like that anymore and that’s a damn shame.
Peace Out!
I’m not that big of an Elvis fan, but that song’s a fairly famous one. It might get canceled, these days, for demanding that the lady put out.