One of those kinds of days. Bailed on the Friday walking group because I wasn’t up for a strenuous hike. I had planned to do one of my routine solo walks but took a nap instead. I don’t feel bad or anything, just being lazy I suppose. It happens.
I guess I’ll be meeting with the eye doctor tomorrow morning to discuss the details of my upcoming surgery. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get it done next week. It is hard to believe how quickly my vision has deteriorated. Everything is always blurry and it is really getting difficult to read.
I did my beer consumption ritual at Marick’s place last night. I’ve been crushing on her for a long time, but lately, she seems to be more receptive to my flirtations. I was a little taken aback when she asked if she could trim my eyebrows. I guess their bushiness was distracting or something. She cleaned them up with her scissors and then told me to come back today and she’d have a razor to eliminate my unibrow. I’m planning to take her up on that. Anyway, I’m going to take things slow and see where, if anywhere, this might lead. Her only day off is Monday, so unless she starts Hashing again I’m not sure how I’d see her outside of work.

Love is blind. And so am I.
You do have those bushy old-man eyebrows, but hey—they make you look distinguished, like a young Pai Mei (White Eyebrows kung-fu school, shown in the “Kill Bill” movies). Oh, well, I guess the brows have been tamed now.
You have a unibrow? Now I need to go back and look at all your previous pictures.
Maybe a unibrow is an overstatement…but there was a bridge of hair connecting the two. Marick cleaned me up with a razor yesterday. I rather enjoyed the intimacy of the moment… )