Recycling here and there

So, this is how I recycle here in Richland County:


Basically, paper, cans, and plastic.  Oddly enough, no glass.

In Korea, they take recycling to a whole ‘nother level:


We schlep a week’s worth of garbage down the elevator…


…and sort it into specifically designated bags.  Woe be to you if you use the wrong bag, as the “trash police” are there to keep a careful eye on things.


And once the trash boxes are empty, they go on the cardboard pile of course.  There’s even a place for food waste.  I’m pretty sure there is no such thing as a kitchen garbage disposal in the ROK.

Anyway, it’s a pretty efficient system and given the lack of landfill space on the peninsula, necessary.

I do confess that when I worked for USFK I’d take my trash to the dumpsters on base.  Supposedly, USFK would do the recycle piece off post.  At least that’s what it says on the side of the dumpster…

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