I pledge allegiance to the Hope and Change

Of the United States of Obama

And to the socialist Republic for which He stands

One nation, under Obama

With lack of liberty and healthcare for all.

So help me God Obama.

I guess it’s official now.  Obamaism is the new religion.

” />





19 thoughts on “OMFG!

  1. Yeah, all those pledges seem very un-American. More propaganda. Evil stuff. That bastard Obama just wants people to step up and try to do more to make this great country better. Volunteer, donate, get involved and be active. How dare he?!?!

    By the way, what liberty did Obama take from you? Did he tap your phone? Get rid of Habeas Corpus? Send you off to a country to start a war and find WMD’s that didn’t exist and THEN have no plan on how and when to leave? Did he decide he was going to openly endorse torture methods suspected terrorist?

    The last eight years don’t matter, just the last seven months?

    But, it is important to note, Obama has NOT allowed a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since taking office. That is how the last guy was judged and I don’t know why we would raise the bar now.

  2. Also, it was okay when Reagan did it I guess:

    On November 14, 1988, Reagan addressed and took questions from students from four area middle schools in the Old Executive Office Building. According to press secretary Marvin Fitzwater, the speech was broadcast live and rebroadcast by C-Span, and Instructional Television Network fed the program “t o schools nationwide on three different days.” Much of Reagan’s speech that day covered the American “vision of self-government” and the need “to keep faith with the unfinished vision of the greatness and wonder of America” but in the middle of the speech, the president went off on a tangent about the importance of low taxes:

    Today, to a degree never before seen in human history, one nation, the United States, has become the model to be followed and imitated by the rest of the world. But America’s world leadership goes well beyond the tide toward democracy. We also find that more countries than ever before are following America’s revolutionary economic message of free enterprise, low taxes, and open world trade. These days, whenever I see foreign leaders, they tell me about their plans for reducing taxes, and other economic reforms that they are using, copying what we have done here in our country.

    I wonder if they realize that this vision of economic freedom, the freedom to work, to create and produce, to own and use property without the interference of the state, was central to the American Revolution, when the American colonists rebelled against a whole web of economic restrictions, taxes and barriers to free trade. The message at the Boston Tea Party — have you studied yet in history about the Boston Tea Party, where because of a tax they went down and dumped the tea in the Harbor. Well, that was America’s original tax revolt, and it was the fruits of our labor — it belonged to us and not to the state. And that truth is fundamental to both liberty and prosperity.

    During the question-and-answer portion of the event, Reagan returned to the topic, this time telling the students that lowering taxes increases revenue:

    Q My name is Cam Fitzie and I’m from St. Agnes School in Alexandria, Virginia. I was wondering if you think that it is possible to decrease the national debt without raising the taxes of the public?

    PRESIDENT REAGAN: I do. That’s a big argument that’s going on in government and I definitely believe it is because one of the principle reasons that we were able to get the economy back on track and create those new jobs and all was we cut the taxes, we reduced them. Because you see, the taxes can be such a penalty on people that there’s no incentive for them to prosper and to earn more and so forth because they have to give so much to the government. And what we have found is that at the lower rates the government gets more revenue, there are more people paying taxes because there are more people with jobs and there are more people willing to earn more money because they get to keep a bigger share of it, so today, we’re getting more revenue at the lower rates than we were at the higher. And do you know something? I studied economics in college when I was young and I learned there about a man named Ibn Khaldun, who lived 1200 years ago in Egypt. And 1200 years ago he said, in the beginning of the empire, the rates were low, the tax rates were low, but the revenue was great. He said in the end of empire, when the empire was collapsing, the rates were great and the revenue was low.

  3. You know Kevin, I expected something better from you than setting up straw man arguments to knock down. As I am sure you know, my point was not about people making pledges to do something good for the world, it was about making pledges “to serve” Obama. Uh, that’s why I rewrote the Pledge of Allegiance…

    What did Obama take from me? Well, I’m old so I guess I can’t complain about what a 9 TRILLION deficit is going to do our future prosperity. Too bad for you spending a lifetime paying for it. And it sucks for Gracyn and Alex. When he takes my taxes to nationalize GM and bail out Wall Street tycoons, I don’t like it. When he tries to set up socialized healthcare it is a government intrusion in my life that impacts my liberty and freedom to choose. Kevin, have you read anything at all about the nightmare of gov’t healthcare in Great Britain? Do you not find it odd that bordertown hospitals are full of Canadians?

    But yeah, we haven’t been attacked by terrorists. Which is a great thing. Now tell me Kevin, what has Obama done to take credit for that? Well, I will give him credit for having the good sense to not change a damn thing that the evil Bush/Cheney implemented to defend our homeland.

    I believe reasonable people can disagree on the wisdom of invading Iraq. I would note that Congress (including the overwhelming majority of Democrats) approved that action. I for one think the world is a much better place without Saddam in it, and we have given the Iraqi people an opportunity to live in a democratic society. The rest is up to them.

    Thanks for sharing the info on Reagan. His words certainly resonate today. It is striking in fact to be reminded of just how small our current political class has become when compared to the greatness of the past.

    Anyway, as a federal employee I have sworn an oath to defend the Constitution. Americans do not swear an oath to serve the President. You know, one of the first things Hitler did when he took power was to require swearing allegiance to him, not the state. Just sayin’.

  4. Wow! John when you do decide to opine, literally, you don’t hold back. By the way, Duke’s explanation, along with your real experience about points in darts made it very clear. Thanks. You know they say that a picture can paint a thousand words. Sometimes the opposite is true. Duke can paint a Picasso with just a few. Your above comments are certainly a Rembrandt.

  5. My point is I didn’t perceive that to mean “SERVE OBAMA” but rather find ways to serve your country. I don’t think the objective was to make kids worship at his alter but rather work to become better at doing more for their country. As JFK said, “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”

    As for your other points, I was against a lot of those bailouts. Never felt good about bailing out a bunch of rich crooks. (As we both know George W. was also part of the bailout) And you can talk about Obama’s spending but Bush with his stimulus plans and tax cuts created a HUGE budget deficit. It cannot be overlooked that Obama took over an economy that was in terrible shape.

    And you make really good points, and then you pull out the “Just like Hitler” deal. Obama IS NOTHING LIKE HITLER. It is extremely whacky to compare him to one of the most evil men to live in the past 150 years. Obama has no plans to take over the world and exterminate a million Jews. He isn’t asking people to pledge to him but rather pledge to doing more work in the community, volunteering, becoming more active and involved. To take that and compare it to Hitler is silly.

    And lastly, Regan. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked that you now think Regan and trickledown economics actually work despite the fact that both times it was put in effect 1980-1988 and 2000-2008 we were left in economic troubles. Go figure, the big companies just take that extra money and buy a bigger house or boat instead of “trickling it down to the rest of the people”

    And I shudder to think what you would say about Obama if he got caught up in an Iran-Contra type deal. I mean if he gets called Hitler for asking (key word “asking” no one is being forced here) people to get more involved in charity and community, etc, I guess he would be Satan himself for pulling of a shady weapons deal for a military coup….

    But ANYWAY, please show me this oath that Obama is FORCING me to swear to. I haven’t seen it. Is he going to send those who don’t pledge to a death camp?

    All I’ve seen is a call to action and I believe we are all in this together and together we can become an even better country than we are now. I love my country but I want it to be better. My take is Obama is saying, don’t just expect me and your government to fix every single problem , you too can do your part.

    By the way, this is all your fault. You created this monster. I became a democrat after you took me to a Bill Clinton stump in Columbia, SC. That single move not only made me a Dem but led to the election of B. Hussein Obama. Nice work. 

  6. Kevin,
    For the record, it’s Reagan, not Regan….and Cheney, not Chaney.

    More later. This is too good to pass up.

  7. You got me. I am guilty of not only being a liberal but also of making typos and not proofing my post.

    I hope it was clear I was talking about Ronald Reagan ( I think I at least got his name right in my earlier post) and Dick Cheney. I apologize if anyone was confused as to who I was talking about.

    Dennis, in my line of work I get calls and emails everyday from people like you that want to point out my mistakes in an attempt to make me appear uninformed or unintelligent. It is almost always amusing. I know this is your attempt to prove just how much smarter you are than me. Whatever helps you sleep at night my friend. I’m not embarrassed that I made a couple of errors in a post on a blog.

    Keep the laughs coming…


  8. Kev, you maybe need to thicken up a bit. Lighten up, dude. The tone of your entire post followed by your sign off/farewell are incongruous, STM.

    And it might be a good idea to put that disclaimer on everything you write – issue solved !

    I should too, very probably.

    And for the record, IMV, only one person can make you appear uninformed and lacking intelligence – and that would be you. Attempts to do so by others will make them appear pretty sad. I might appear to be pretty sad and maybe indeed I am, but it would not intentionally be because I’m trying to make you appear as you say. That said, though, you’ve blown it pretty bad a couple times in the past week. I don’t think I pointed at you when you did but sometimes I addressed the issue as a clarification or a read-out.

    You can fill in your own blanks (as in, connect your own dots). No offense intended.

    As a comment, though, over the years in the USAF as an office supervisor or director one of my functions was to review pretty much all official correspondence going out from my office. I say with zero equivocation that, in my experience, those subordinates of mine who were sloppy in their spelling, punctuation, grammar and/or structure tended to be without question the same in their general lives, as compared to others who were not .

    Probably doesn’t apply to you, but something to think about, none the less.

    (Anyway, I thought it was already well established that liberals are generally brain-damaged anyway)

  9. BTW, Kev,

    People are not ‘that’s’, …………. rather, they’re ‘who’s’…….

    from people like you ‘that’ want to point out my mistakes

    Versus: people like you who want to point out my mistakes

    See how much better that reads?

    But far be it from me to point out any mistakes…..

    BTW, Kev,

    People are not ‘that’s’, …………. rather, they’re ‘who’s’…….

    from people like you ‘that’ want to point out my mistakes

    Versus: people like you who want to point out my mistakes

    See how much better that reads?

    But far be it from me to point out any mistakes…..

    Notwithstanding the above, but if I got calls and emails everyday from people who were trying to point out my mistakes and or make me appear dumb and uninformed, I would strongly think about going to the mirror to check 6.

    Either that or consider changing my line of work. It would seem to be enough to put a guy on edge, IMV.

    But not you, certainly.

  10. Not sure why you posted the exact same thing twice in your last comment (copy and past can be a real bitch) but I think WE get your point.

    Has Obama made your life so miserable that you now have to attempt to analyze mine through typos and grammatical errors in the comment section of a blog?

    When you bring something to the debate other than spell check I’ll be happy to participate with you. Until then, I am thrilled you are spending so much time reading the comments that I literally spend about two minutes each writing during my day. I’m flattered you think so much of me.

  11. FWIW Kevin, Dennis has corrected me on occassion, but the mistakes just keep on comin’! I go back and re-read some of my posts and they are chock full of typos and misspellings. I’m just too damn lazy or in a hurry to to proofread carefully. But, they way I see it, it’s more about what you say than how you say it. Or so I tell myself.

    In the video towards the end, Demi and friends change their pledge for doing good to pledging to serve Obama. A subtle distinction perhaps, but I thought it striking.

    Well, the Hitler reference was perhaps a bit over the top, but I didn’t compare Obama to Hitler. I just noted that Hitler instituted swearing allegiance to the man, not the institution. And no, Obama has not required such an oath. I just find it bizarre that so many lefties worship the man. I don’t see you in that category by the way.

    You know, I didn’t like Bush’s deficits either. But come on, Obama has more than quadrupled them to little or no positive effect. He promised if we passed the stimulus, unemployment would not exceed 8%. Double digits last time I looked.

    You know, it has been demonstrated countless times that cutting taxes stimulates the economy. Raising them only exacerbates the recession. Reagan was only one example. You are too young to remember just how bad things were during the Carter years.

    Anyway, I appreciate you sharing your views.

  12. Yeah, John, way too young.

    And ur right. I used to try to correct some of your mistakes, you being the blog host and all, but finally gave up because I couldn’t keep up. Then I went back and looked at my own. My goodness!

    Amazing to me how so many folks completely miss the point, or at least appear to.

    I can never figure out if they just don’t want to get it or if they indeed can’t connect the dots.

    You know, the Glenn Beck dots. Everyone knows those are the only ones I pay any attention to.

    Hold on, gotta go……..Keith Olbermann is commin on TV….. what a guy he is…!

  13. John thank you for sharing that video with us. Its great! In such divisive times as ours, it is refrshing to see people reaching out to their fellow man. I particularly liked the one where the person pledged to do more before expecting others to do more. It would be so wonderful if this message resonated with more people. It truly captures the spirit of being an American.

    Now as to the rest of what you wrote…… Yes Obama has added to the deficit but then Republicans have gone on record as saying the deficit doesn’t matter. Yep that was after Clinton reduced the deficit only to have it soar again under Bush so you can stop with the oh my gosh the deficit is out of control garbage.

    The stimulus package was begun my Bush–the bailout of the big banks. Few liked it but the alternative was even less attractive. So is Bush guilty of socialicing the American banking system? Of course not no more than Obama is guilty of socializing America.

    You appear to be uninformed about the health care plan. Surprising. There is no plan to socialize medicine in this country. Obama laid out objectives and has left it to the House and Senate to come up with plans that will fulfill those objectives. Socializing medicine is not in either plan.

    Also Canada does not have socialized medicince but socialized insurance. The health care providers are private sector. Contrary to your assertions, Canadians do not wait significantly longer for health than Americans. Their health care is scheduled based on need so yes some wait longer because those with the greatest need go first. Here in Virginia an appointment with a gyn took four months to obtain and then the darn thing was cancelled by the doctor due to an emergency. Visit was rescheduled a month later and lo and behold the doctor cancelled it again. Rescheduled two months later. I am waiting to see if the third time is the charm. When I needed to see a dermatologist the wait was at least six months with many of them telling me they were not accepting new patients. My regular physician intervened and got an appt for me but I still had to wait a month. As you can see waiting for a specialist happens in America too.

    Most significantly, Canadians have a higher life expectancy, lower child mortality rates and spend quite a bit less on health care as a percentage of GDP.

    And what is with the revisionist history? You did not vote for Reagan and actively disliked him. Just because you changed stripes after 9/11 does not suddenly make sense out of Reagan’s economic policies.

    And what exactly were you saying with the comment about Hitler requiring his officers and public servants to swear an oath of allegiance to him? How does that relate to Obama building a platform based on change and one man in a video featuring about 20 people making the pledge to obama to become an agent of change? Surely you weren’t trying to draw an inference that this equated to Hitler mandating an oath of allegiance to himself. That is a serious leap.

  14. Hey, Kev….. you use what’s available. And you are a never ending source of supply, seems.

    Sorta like shootin fish in a barrel, as they say.

  15. Glad you were able to get back online. Obama’s spending is a concern. I’ve said I think he’s taking too much on. I think he should focus on health care and job creation and start making things happen. Really, he hasn’t done a whole lot but talk, IMO.

    It is nice to actually have a couple of sane comments with real thought back here. I enjoyed Fortuneate’s points as well.

    I’m looking forward to hanging out and watching football with you next weekend!

    You see, Dennis, I love my Dad. He loves me too. We don’t see eye to eye on politics (but he is the one that I credit for getting me interested in the process at an early age, he indoctrinated me if you will…quick story, I was FORCED to watch the Bush (part one) inauguration in 4th grade. I was the only person in my class that liked John Dukakis ((hope that is spelled right;)) because of a discussion I had with my Dad. In political science 101 we learned the number one factor in political affiliation is ones parents. That is true for me. My dad and I no longer sit on the same side of the isle but we both still love each other and our country just the same.

    I know you said earlier you couldn’t understand how people in government could be adversaries politically and friends later (this is paraphrased from your very long winded but grammatically correct take on Ted Kennedy). The bottom line is everyone here shares one thing in common: We love this country. We just have different visions of where we want to go and how we want to get there. I am not asking anyone to worship Obama or like him. I hope he does well. Just like I hoped Bush did well. I cringed when I saw far left fringe freaks burning flags and calling Bush the devil and saying 9/11 was an inside job.

    As I stated before, you can take all the shots at my age, lack of military service (I want to say thanks for your service though), and, GASP, mistakes in post that I often write during a quick moment break at my office. Bottom line is my opinion counts just as much as yours and I believe in mine just as strongly as you do yours. I’m more concerned with people that DON’T have ANY opinion. Apathy is the true enemy.

    So, shoot all the fish in a barrel you want, just be careful you don’t shoot yourself in the foot.

  16. Oops! my girl friend just informed me I wrote JOHN Dukakis. John, is of course, my father, but Michael Dukakis is the guy who ran and lost in his run for prez in 1988.

    I figured I’d shoot that fish for you.

    Have a great weekend all.


    Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama
    supporters, et al:

    We have stuck together since the late 1950’s, but the whole of this latest election
    process has made me realize that I want a divorce.

    I know we tolerated each other for
    many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has run its
    course. Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is
    right so let’s just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to
    irreconcilable differences and go our own way.

    Here is a model separation agreement:

    Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a portion.

    That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly
    agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy! Our respective representatives can
    effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and disparate tastes.

    We don’t like re distributive taxes so you can keep them. You are welcome to the liberal
    judges and the ACLU.

    Since you hate guns and war, we’ll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA and the military.

    You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore and Rosie O’ Donnell (You are, however, responsible for
    finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them).

    We’ll keep the capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart and
    Wall Street. You can have your beloved homeless, homeboys, hippies and illegal aliens.

    We’ll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO’s and rednecks. We’ll keep the Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood .

    You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we’ll retain the right to invade and hammer
    places that threaten us.

    You can have the peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we’ll help provide them security.

    We’ll keep our Judeo-Christian values.. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism and Shirley McClain. You can also have the U.N.. but we will no longer be paying the bill.

    We’ll keep the SUVs, pickup trucks and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Subaru station wagon you can find.

    You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors. We’ll continue to believe healthcare is a luxury and not a right.

    We’ll keep The Battle Hymn of the Republic and the National Anthem. I’m sure you’ll be happy to substitute Imagine, I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing, Kum Ba Ya or We Are the World.

    We’ll practice trickle down economics and you can give trickle up poverty your best shot.

    Since it often so offends you, we’ll keep our history, our name and our flag.

    Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like minded liberal and
    conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly
    parting, I’ll bet you which one of us will need whose help in 15 years..



    P.S. Also, please take Barbara Streisand & Jane Fonda with you.

  18. Ah Frank. I think we will keep our bibles as Democrats tend to be more religious as a whole than Republicans. A part of your base is libertarians and they are not religious.

    We will also keep our firearms although for most of us that wouldn’t include automatic weapons, never knew anyone to hunt with an automatic weapon, or armor piercing bullets, which means the most of the cops will probably decide to stay with us.

    You can most definitely keep the gas guzzlers and we will take the hybrids, organic vegetables and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. You may conspicuously consume yourselves into trash heaven and we will keep the green iniatives–especially since that is the future of new job growth. Most assuredly you can keep Wal-Mart and we will definitely keep Babs. As for Marxists, well I don’t know any Americans that are Marxists but if we find any they will have to go if not with y’all then to a country that has a marxists government. This will be after all a division based on political differences and Democrats and Marxists couldn’t be more different.

    On the other hand we will fight you to keep the flag and the national anthem and that is only right since those things belong to the United States of America and if you break with America, which is most likely to happen, then you have to go start your own country.

    Lucky for you all, Democrats tend to be more generous so when your society fails, as it surely will, we will keep your children from starving and dying from a lack of basic medical care.

  19. Democrappers will destroy America. Then they will blame Bush… We must find them, hunt them down and stop the.

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