I’m feeling very positive in fact. This study seems to confirm something I’d heard several months ago–type O blood is less susceptible to the COVID virus than other types. I guess Jesus really does love me!
Speaking of good, so was my dinner last night:

Did a beach walk on Baloy yesterday and observed some interesting flotsam (or maybe it was jetsam):

On a more serious note, things seem to be going south in Thailand. I was there for my first and only visit four years ago this week. At the time I couldn’t shake the police state vibe. It doesn’t seem like things have gotten better since then. Despite really enjoying Bangkok, I knew back then that Thailand was not a country I could live in comfortably. Hell, I don’t even want to go back for a visit. Give me Cambodia, Vietnam, or Bali as alternatives should I need to relocate. I still need to check out Malaysia and Laos as well.

Anyway, I’m going to keep it short today. I’ve got lots of photos from this morning’s hike to share tomorrow. In the meantime, a word of warning to all you grammar Nazi’s out there: STOP BEING RACIST!
Thank you all for your indulgence.
Thailand is worrisome for sure. Still go there quite frequently, and spent the month of August there – two weeks in a quarantine hotel and two weeks for business. LOL Was supposed to do the same thing next month, but I dont think that is going to happen. I do like the country, and to me, doesnt have the feel of a police state, certainly not any more than any other SE Asian country. I do admit that I am somewhat sheltered from that when I am there. But, I understand how you could get that vibe.
Unfortunately, I think things will get worse there before they get better.
Re: Laos – very sleepy place. Spent a couple of long weekends there, but was only in Vientianne. Capital city, but much more like a small provincial town. Once you have hit the two restaurants that cater to foreigners and the 1 or 2 bars, that is about it. Highly recommended for a visit, but lacking language skills and it being so small, I would have trouble living there full time. Having said that, I am sure that there is more to it than meets the eye, and a full-time resident would find out those things that I missed in my short visits.
Brian, yeah I may have just had an overreaction regarding Thailand. The first thing that happened was finding out that vaping is illegal. Smoking was fine inside and out, but vaping is a crime? Luckily, a random expat on the street warned me before the police saw me vaping away at a major intersection in Bangkok.
And then the King died while I was there. I’m sitting in a bar on some side street and the police come out in force and shut everything down. I’d never seen anything like it. Later in the trip, I tried to engage a bar manager about who would ascend to the crown. He told me harshly “shut up! It’s none of our business. You can go to jail for making the wrong comment about the Royal family. I don’t say ANYTHING about politics. I advise you to do the same.”
Anyway, those were my first impressions. But never say never. I might go back for a Hash event in Pattaya someday.
A .most interesting post. Enjoyed it. Lacked some female drama.Thank you.
Thailand is making it extremely difficult to live there as an expat. So many hoops to jump through … I do enjoy it there but, it is not worth the effort at this time.