So, we’ve already gotten a pretty good taste of what’s in store domestically under the guiding wisdom of The One. Let’s now turn our eyes to foreign policy.
Ed Morrissey notes that our Nobel laureate leader is, well let’s be generous and just say clueless.
Barack Obama campaigned on restoring America’s standing with its allies, accusing the outgoing Bush administration of insulting and alienating our closest friends with his alleged unilateralism. How has Obama done as President? He has repeatedly insulted the British, insisting that there is no “special relationship” and demonstrating it by denying Gordon Brown the usual joint press conference on his visit to the US. Reuters reports that another close ally has taken the measure of Obama and started looking elsewhere for cooperation:
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, initially dubbed Sarko the American for his pro-U.S. stance, is finding it much tougher to deal with Washington than he had anticipated and is recalibrating his policies accordingly.
Now who’s the go-it-alone cowboy? Obama has damaged relations with the UK, France, the Czech Republic, and Poland, which even Joe Biden was forced to admit yesterday. Instead, Obama has focused his friendlier attention on Russia and Iran. What has Obama and the US received in return? Laughter over Hillary Clinton’s amateurish “reset button” and zero cooperation on Iranian nuclear weapons. And this is “smart power”?
I’m finding it increasingly impossible to believe the Obama’s ultimate goal is to dismantle the U.S. status as a superpower. If that is what his mission is then I have to admit he’s off to a fine start.
Hope and change.
Or – it makes sense to keep Sarkozy and Brown at a distance, they are rapidly losing power in their own countries while their citizens are regaining respect for the USA. And Obama’s moderation was largely responsible for a continuing moderate government in Germany where the left threatened strongly.
Obama’s moderation? Isn’t that a contradiction in terms?
Sarkozy and Brown are going down hill as fast as Obama. James: Have you really looked at those countries economies or their health-care? That’s what you really want for the US? Tort reform, regulatory restraints against pharmaceutical high costs and CEO pay are all things we can agree on. But, to allow the goverment to control anything is a joke. That’s why we are in the mess we are in. When social security was implemented it was a lock-box account. When LBJ came in with his social agenda he unlocked it. That’s why it is damn near bankrupt. All our goverment did was treat it as a general fund for their pork barrel projects to get re-elected. Obmama’s social agenda is only making matter worse. The citizens you speak of are laughing at us because we are being brought down to their level. The stimulus that we had to have or we would go above 8% unemployment has been a total failure. Even Obama’s economic advisor stated Sunday it would be very unlikely that the stimulus would do anything going into 2010. In Germany where you state the left threatened strongly was only possible because of US dollars going to Europe. That is the whole point of socialism. You eventually run out of somebody else’s money. Cap and tax and a public option will tax all of us to the point of poverty. We don’t have a US to prop us up.