…today’s Hash trail is marked. Unless it rains and washes our morning’s efforts away. We opted to do the trail in the hills, so hopefully, the forecasted showers will hold off until later in the afternoon. That’s the luck of the draw during rainy season.

What will be will be. If it rains, the Hashers will determine what they want to do individually. I’ve completed my mission.

I had a talk with Swan this morning about our future living arrangements. She expressed no concerns about sharing the house with me, with the understanding that she would be staying in the guest room for the time being. I’m okay with that. She worried more about her two dogs (females) and their interactions with my two boys. We plan to separate them (her dogs in the basement area, mine upstairs). We will work it out, I’m sure.

What was it that Marie Antoinette said?

Veering off course for a moment to delve into a political question. Why are rap songs promoting crime and violence okay, but a country song proclaiming resistance to crime and violence is bad?

Alrighty then. Time to shower up and get ready to send the kennel on their way. I predict a wet and wild night, with or without rain. The beer will be flowing!
She worried more about her two dogs (females) and their interactions with my two boys.
And you never got your boys snipped, did you.
re: cake photo
Who made the cake? Looks to be a chocolate pound cake.
When I was a kid, I never understood the contradiction in “have your cake and eat it, too.” Have means it’s in my possession. Once it’s in my possession, I can eat it. Even after eating half of it, it’s still in my possession. So what’s the problem? Little did I know, at the time, that this saying comes from an older time, and have meant something more like “preserve without loss” in this context. So by this reckoning, if you’re eating the cake, you’re losing it bit by bit, not preserving it without loss.
Why are rap songs promoting crime and violence okay, but a country song proclaiming resistance to crime and violence is bad?
Matt Walsh deals with an aspect of this question here.
re: Hash
Good luck to the Hashers. May they not be too rained on.
Nope, my boys are still virgins, and I hope to keep them that way.
Um, the cake photo is just something I came across on the internet. It reminded me of something else, thus the double-entendre of “having your cake and eating it too.” I’m not sure if the cake is chocolate, but it does appear to be female.
It did rain some before and during the Hash run. Thankfully, not enough to wash away the trail markings.
“Why are rap songs promoting crime and violence okay, but a country song proclaiming resistance to crime and violence is bad?“
The cultural rot and spineless nonsense in the US and quite a few other places is simply astounding, and will be regarded years from now as mass delusion and idiocy akin to China’s Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.
Yes, scary times indeed, Drain. I fear for the future of my country.