Make mine vanilla


This simple paragraph embodies what I dislike most about life in America:

Whatever virtue this bad-tasting Z-grade atrocity once contained derived from its exemplification of a set of certain cherished American fables—immigrant ingenuity, the cultural melting pot, old things combining into new things—and has now been totally swamped and consumed by different and infinitely uglier American realities: the commodification of culture; the transmutation of authentic artifacts of human life into hollow corporate brand divisions; the willingness of Americans to slop any horrible goddamn thing into their fucking mouths if it claims to contain some byproduct of a cow and comes buried beneath a pyramid of shredded, waxy, safety-cone-orange “cheese.”

Now, obviously he’s talking about food here, Cincinnati-style chili to be precise, but it also captures the homogenization of American culture that I detest.  Everywhere I go it’s just more of the same.  Chain restaurants, impersonal franchised bars, strip malls, ugly signage, and other non-distinct urban clutter.  We’ve lost what once made us diverse and unique.  Even regional accents are fading away.  Alas.

Anyway, this rant is brought to you courtesy of this state-by-state ranking of the culinary delicacies that the natives claim as their own.  South Carolina came in second with shrimp and grits.  And I detest grits.  Which outs me as a non-native more often than I like.  Anyway, it’s a fun read.

Bon appetit!

Hat Tip: Althouse

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