Looping around

Or maybe we circled back. Either way, we started and finished our Wednesday Walkers trek at Mad Willie’s in Castillejos. We did the Govic Highway for a bit, then veered off through houses, farms, and fields on the way back. It made for a rather pleasant 7K hike and since we only come out this way a couple of times a year, it had a fresh feel to it.

Only three of us made the trip yesterday (me, Mike, and Scott (the photographer)
Heading up the highway
These guys cheered us on as we passed
Litter prison
We came to a fork in the road and we took it. Turns out I do lean left…
Trudging on. Politics in these parts is a family affair. A Kohnghun is a Congressman, Vice-Governor, and Mayor.
It’s high time we get Scott in a picture
We don’t need no edukasyon! Mayor, leave them kids alone!
I can’t bear to see a thirsty tree
We are having a gas on this hike so far
Turning off the highway
Someone is living large out here
Trouble ahead!
Cookie stop. She remembered Scott taking her picture two years ago.
If this “Headquarters” is an example of the Philippine’s military readiness, we are fucked when China invades
The view from here
I hope that’s recycling…
Field work
There must be a sad story here…
These gals were kind enough to offer us directions
A street vendor and his wares.
My turn to take a picture, Scott
Back on the National Highway
Arriving at Mad Willie’s
A pleasant venue
Pan-seared tuna and chicken wings were “sorry, sir, not available,” so we all went with the baby back ribs. I’d never seen ribs so cheap (295 pesos).
Wasn’t expecting much for five bucks and wasn’t disappointed.
The path we took as seen from my Map My Walk app
Scott’s map puts it all in perspective

Anyway, it was an enjoyable morning jaunt. Swan was busy taking care of some business in Olongapo, so I had some “me” time when beer o’clock rolled around.

I was at BarCelona for almost two hours and was the only customer that entire time. (the guy in the back is the owner)

Nerissa, my old friend from Cheap Charlies, is now working at BarCelona, so at least I had a familiar face for company. BarCelona is for sale, and it is a very nice venue, except for the lack of customers thing. Nerissa said they get busy late at night, so there’s that. I had planned to go to the Green Room, but they were having a wake for an expat who recently passed away. I didn’t know him, and the place was packed, so I moved next door to Wet Spot. Once again, I was the only customer. Had a nice chat with the manager, Brett, and he bought me a beer, so it’s all good. I ordered a chicken burger from Sit-n-Bull and was home by seven. Yeah, I’m not the barfly I once was.

In the memory department, Facebook reminded me of how I used to roll during the 80s in Poteau, Oklahoma:

I guess I haven’t always hated karaoke like I do now.

Eight years ago, I was scouting Samal Island as a possible Philippine retirement destination.

Turns out it wasn’t a good fit.

Things continue to ramp up in the disputed waters off the coast of the Philippines. China has now resorted to violence. The article concludes with this bottom line:

At this point the Philippines has to make a choice about whether it wants to escalate and match China’s belligerence at sea or simply back down and cede the territory. Either way, there will be a price to pay.

Today’s YouTube video also addresses the incident of China boarding a Philippine craft, injuring crewmembers, and stealing weapons. The Philippine government declared it an act of piracy.

Things are going to get uglier I fear.

In the meantime, let’s have a laugh:

My memory lapses are no laughing matter these days. It’s getting scary.
What’s done is done
My dogs can be real brats sometimes.

So, another day, another post. I’m having a date night with Swan, and we are going to make the trip out to Kon Tiki for some quality beach time. Or so we hope. Tell you all about it tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “Looping around

  1. Maybe it would be good if China took over the place, John. They could open some coal mines and put the local population to work and consequently boost the economy. It seems like no one works there where you are, including you! And I am sure you would make a good coal miner. I’m simply to lazy to be bothered going down sixty feet in the earth in search of black things.

    As is ever the way with me, I get incredibly fucking lazy when I drink. I haven’t done any cleaning whatsoever, and the apartment still looks like a mess, with months-worth of grime everywhere. In addition to the ubiquitous mold everywhere, the trashcan is in the bathroom full of bleach water for…something I can’t even remember now. The squashed maggots on the carpet are starting to take on a greenish hue as well, as though someone’s wiped boogers on them. And of course there’s empties everywhere in the apartment – beer cans, vodka bottles, mouthwash – and all of my dirty clothes and the ex’s used tampons are in a couple of trash bags on the kitchen floor, where they’ve been since…forever, I think.

    Woke up this morning with a screaming hangover. Not in the least bit surprised. Wine mixed with yellow Listerine* always does that to me now. Used to be a big wine with mouthwash drinker and don’t remember feeling so awful the next day. It feels like there’s two giant screws twisting into my brain on either side. I entertain the thought of following through on yesterday’s idea of not drinking wine and mouthwash this morning and just sticking to bottles of rum like a normal human being. I gulp down a few pints of vodka but the vice on my brain will not relent. I experimentally crack open a beer and add some vanilla extract to see if I’m cured by a somewhat more flavorful hair of the dog. Half a can later and the headache is easing away.

    The ex is still sleeping on the shit-encrusted bed. What does that mean? Well, it means time for another beer and extract and a Uriah Heep album or two. Beer and extract is a great combo. I feel strangely good. Like, not apathetic, not emotionally numbed. I mean I feel good, like I could go out dancing or some shit. Promise me you will also mix extract with your beers today, John. Every supermarket where you are should have them. Cheers!

    *Pro tip: Always drink blue/green Listerine. You’ll thank me later. Yellow does have a slightly higher ABV but it’s fucking nasty as fuck – above and beyond drinking mouthwash should be.

    Bonus: the mintiness of the blue/green stuff will add a pleasant hint of toothpaste to your inevitable explosive shits.

  2. I guess I haven’t always hated karaoke like I do now.

    It was preparation for living in Asia. And from what I gather, you only hate it now when others are singing.

    Enjoy your date with Swan!

  3. China sucks, and no free person could be happy living under the tyranny that comes with communism. The Filipino people will rue the day should they surrender to China’s threats.

    I’m a purist when it comes to drinking beer. Cold, out of the bottle, and into my mouth is how I roll. And I have some blue Listerine, but I only gargle; I don’t swallow. I guess I’m old school.

    “So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?”
    Hunter S. Thompson

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