Long and hot

Well, the hike was longer than usual (almost 10K), and it was mainit (mah-een-it). That’s what Swan kept saying as we marched along, so it looks like the hot season is upon us once again. Soon, I’ll be looking forward to the rainy season so I can complain about being soaked with something other than sweat. That’s life in the Philippines, and that’s the life I’ve chosen, so here we go.

This week’s iteration of the Friday hikers: (L-R) Scott, Swan, Jay, Ed, and Erik
And so it begins
Walking the streets of the Santa Monica subdivision
The house Scott had built when he first retired and moved to the PI in 2005. Things didn’t go according to that dream, but he has found a new dream now.
A view I liked
Ed, Jay, and Erik went up Black Rock. Scott, me, and Swan went around it.
Hello up there!
Bypassing the mountain we’ll be climbing on Easter Monday
The entrance to the new subdivision that scarred the mountainside is under construction.
A pig without a poke
Through the cow pasture
If you are going to go long and hot, keep it flat.
Crossing Bridge #4
Doing the rickety-bridge dance
Trekking through the Naugsol Valley
Approaching The Rite Spot
Pushing on up the back way to my house
Lunch on the roof
How we got from here to there (the yellow is those lazy shortcutters going OVER Black Rock).

I had an SOB to introduce to Jay before he flew home to Japan in the wee hours of morning, so at the appointed hour, we met up at Wet Spot.

The dance teams from six of Barretto’s finest bars take the stage.
The home team goes first
Get that ass out of my face!,” I imagined screaming.
What are the odds they all farted at the same time?

Anyway, Jay seemed to enjoy the show. He was also a judge, and our scorecards came out the same. The other judges disagreed with our ranking order, but everyone had Wet Spot on top. Jay said he didn’t have any experience with an “all you can drink” system, and he was pretty toasted by the end of the show. We took him next door to Sit-n-Bull so he could get some food to take back to his hotel while he waited for his airport transportation to arrive. He messaged me today that he made it back to Japan safe and sound.

How do you say no to a slice of pecan pie?

From the LTG archives is another nearly meaningless post from January 2006 entitled, “Made it to Friday.” I’m only posting it here now because it contains a link (that surprisingly still works) to an article in the Seoul Times about the bars of Itaewon. I don’t remember it being nearly as bad as the author (an Irish bloke) describes, but these days with the Army down south, the Itaewon I knew will never be the same.

This photo of my high school sweetheart and me came up in my Facebook memories today:

Karen and I are still friends on Facebook. That’s my 1963 Ford pickup truck with wooden bumpers and three in the tree.

Fourteen years ago, I moved into my retirement home in South Carolina and completed my darts setup.

The plan was to live here six months a year, and six months in Korea. The best of both worlds.
The dart awards I’d accumulated over the years.
And the woman who promised to love me forever. Boy, was I in for a surprise.

Everything changes, and life goes on. Until it doesn’t.

In today’s YouTube video, Reekay shares his perspectives on maintaining a positive relationship with a “good girl” Filipina. The first example he uses is about a guy who exposed his wife to the bar scene (that she didn’t like), and she eventually left him over his refusal to leave that life behind. Hmm. Swan joins me on my bar excursions, but she seems to be enjoying herself. Granted, we don’t do the raunchy places, but she appears to be okay with that aspect of my life. I guess it depends on the girl.

And now it’s time to smile:

No need to be a dick about it
A happy ending!
Sounds like a win-win to me!

Another day, another post. It may all be meaningless, but keep ’em coming!

5 thoughts on “Long and hot

  1. Now this is more like it, McQueery, pics of ass! You’re finally on the right track, lol!

  2. The house Scott had built when he first retired and moved to the PI in 2005. Things didn’t go according to that dream, but he has found a new dream now.

    So Scott doesn’t live in that house?Where does he live, why, and what happened?

    A pig without a poke

    A poke = a small sack, so… either a pig not in a small bag or a pig with no scrote…?

    If you are going to go long and hot, keep it flat.

    You trying to simulate that much-maligned Snow White shot?

    Jay said he didn’t have any experience with an “all you can drink” system, and he was pretty toasted by the end of the show.

    I hope he had a chance to sleep it off on the flight back to Japan.

    The plan was to live here six months a year, and six months in Korea. The best of both worlds.

    I bet your US place would’ve gotten broken into. You can’t trust Americans.

    The first example he uses is about a guy who exposed his wife to the bar scene (that she didn’t like), and she eventually left him over his refusal to leave that life behind.

    Wise woman.

    re: the rest of the Reekay video

    He’s on to something. Avoid the “Pygmalion project,” i.e., trying to make or mold someone into someone else.

    Another day, another post. It may all be meaningless, but keep ’em coming!

    Whom are you commanding?

  3. Kev, it was a long time ago; Scott and the wife went separate ways, and she got the house. Scott has a house in Barretto and a Honey of a girlfriend with whom he shares his life. So, it all worked out.

    The poke I was referencing is the one about buying sight unseen. Pig in a poke.

    Our hiking effort totally dwarfs that of Snow White. *ahem*

    The US house never got broken into during the three years I halfway occupied it, but that’s not to say it wouldn’t have ever happened.

    I agree that people in relationships should accept the other as they are. That Pygmalion project principle cuts both ways.

    Just me beseeching God for as many more meaningless days as He wants to give me.

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