Just another Sunday

Some folks disparage routines as boring and indicative of a lack of motivation to try something new. I tend to enjoy mine, though, and us old retired guys appreciate being in the comfort zone. The Sunday routines I follow fill the hours in a manner that satisfices my needs. See for yourself:

Yep, we started things off with the Sunday candy walk
This cracked me up. I assume it is an intentional misspelling.
There is a big drop off there, but I couldn’t capture the depth in a photo. I kept telling Swan, just get a little closer to the edge. She wasn’t having it.
Trading sweets for smiles is what we do
I won’t bore you with a ton of client pics, but it was a busy morning
And when the candy ran out, we squeezed into a trike for the ride back home. Aren’t we cute in our matching shirts?
A trikes-eye view of the ride

I did the blogging, napping, and showering routines, then headed into town for the Hideaway feeding.

One of the four girls I fed.

There had been a pool league match before I arrived, so at least there were a couple of customers this time. The owner of Hideaway is due back from the UK this week. Hopefully, he can turn things around. The future doesn’t look bright for the bar if he can’t. Good luck!

Next up was the best routine of the evening—dinner with Swan at John’s place. I arrived first and was disappointed to learn they were out of red wine. Wine doesn’t spoil, and for a restaurant not to always have a bottle on hand makes no sense. I gave Swan the option of dining elsewhere, but she took it in stride and ordered a San Miguel Apple beer.

The view from John’s place
As we were waiting for our food, we had some entertainment. See that silver car parked across the highway? Well, it was blocking the garage, and the driver trying to depart was frantically looking for the parked car’s owner. She motioned to us, looking down from the third floor, to see if it was our car, and Swan shook her head and shrugged. About ten minutes later, the illegal parker came walking up with some food bags from a nearby restaurant. He didn’t seem to give a shit about the inconvenience he had caused.

Dinner is served:

We shared the beef bulgogi. It comes with rice, but they substituted fries since I don’t eat rice.
And Korean-style chicken wings
Satisfied customers, even without the wine.

We did our nightcap at The Green Room, then headed home for the final routine of our Sunday.

And now it is Hash Monday. In a break with the normal routine, Swan has consented to join the Hashers for today’s hike. It is her friend Jo’s birthday Hash, and Jo asked her to attend. Swan asked if she should bring anything, and I told her no, we would make Jo a birthday cake during the circle. Swan said, how do you do that? I told her to wait and see.
I’m looking forward to the look on her face when she sees what making Jo a birthday cake looks like. I’ll try and get a photo or two.

Something interesting is happening in the lot across from my house:

I took this photo of the pretty flowers my neighbor planted when I made my morning dog walk
And here are those same flowers at beer o’clock yesterday. What are they hiding from?

I sometimes think about what life would have been like on the old Navy base. Today’s YouTube video from the days when China didn’t fuck with the Philippines is the closest I’ll get.

I’m not sure why, but the video is queued up at the 18-minute mark. Just rewind back to the start. Sorry!

Puns and more today!

Pump it up!
This one is grate!
Well, the purpose of advertisements is to make you cum and buy

Oh, they get worse:

That’s a hairy situation!
I don’t have time for this…I’ll stop now.

I hope you’ll come back for more tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “Just another Sunday

  1. I’m guessing the “Famealy Restaurant” truck provides meals for families…?

    One of the four girls I fed.

    We shall know her by her flashing teeth.

    Wine doesn’t spoil

    Where’d you get that idea? Wine is very persnickety to store.

    See that silver car parked across the highway? Well, it was blocking the garage…

    So much fun stuff you can do with lipstick in such a situation.

    It comes with rice, but they substituted fries since I don’t eat rice.

    Korean heads are exploding. What kind of weirdo doesn’t eat rice? And who pairs fries with bulgogi? Do you actively hate rice or something?

    I’m looking forward to the look on her face when she sees what making Jo a birthday cake looks like. I’ll try and get a photo or two.

    Yes, we need a Swan reaction shot to the “birthday cake.” Someone should aim a video camera at her right as Jo is being caked, then send you a still of the best moment. (Or just send you the whole video, and you can select the still.)

    Enjoy the Hash. By which I mean the walk, not the drugs.

  2. I had to chuckle and nod in agreement at @Kevin’s comment on rice. I love rice and cant imagine having a Korean dish like bulgogi with fries instead of rice. LOL Is it plain rice you dont like, or do you not like fried rice either?

    >Hopefully, he can turn things around. The future doesn’t look bright for the bar if he can’t.

    And if the bar fails, probably another bar will be the replacement business. The layman’s definition of insanity – repeating the same action expecting a different result.

  3. I don’t mind Spanish rice with my Mexican food, and fried rice is okay. That plain white stuff just doesn’t appeal to me and never has. The bulgogi comes with rice, and I asked Swan if she would eat it. It was Swan who asked the waitress to switch it out for fries. Swan, of course, eats lots of rice, but she also enjoys the fries.

    The thing about a bar to me is its vibe. Hideaway is dead currently and has nothing to attract customers. It is down to three marginally attractive waitresses now, so that’s not a draw. When the owner is in town, his friends come and drink with him. They let customers pick songs to play, so the music can be good. I go once a week and stay for an hour. That’s more than enough.

  4. Kev, no idea about the Famealay restaurant. That was the first time I’d seen the van.

    Okay, I stand corrected on the wine. But for a high-end restaurant like John’s, being out is inexcusable. I mean, if you are out, that means it sells, right?

    I’m just not a fan of that lump of white rice that is served as a side dish. Spanish rice and fried rice are okay.

    Someone let the cat out of the bag before the cake was made, but I did get a pic of Swan’s laughing reaction to the eggs being broken on Jo’s head.

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