At least for the time being. My grand plan for walking the My Bitch trail to yesterday’s Hash start didn’t make it out of the neighborhood. One small uphill had me gasping for air and feeling lightheaded. I decided that nothing good would come of possibly passing out and falling into a ravine with no one around to rescue me, so I took the next best alternative and walked the streets to the Barretto High School starting point. I also accepted that my shortcut plan, which included a hill climb, was beyond my current capabilities, so I crafted my own trail on flat pavement. I still managed almost 7K, so I wasn’t a total wuss.
My tentative plan is to visit the pulmonary doctor at Baypointe Hospital on Thursday. I’ve mentioned before that you can’t make an appointment to see a doctor in these parts (well, Dr. Jo is an exception)–you just show up and wait your turn. I hate that system, but I have no other viable option, and I really want to fix whatever it is that ails me. Assuming it can be fixed. Either way, I want to know what the future holds.

After the Hash, Chief Tucker Fucker, our Hash beermeister, joined Swan and me at Subiza Resort, which is also on Baloy, to finalize plans for them to host the March 11 On-Home event. Once the details were worked out, we ordered some dinner.

I think Subiza could be one of our better On-Home venues—plenty of space, comfortable facilities, and right on the bay. We’ll find out soon enough.

I’m one of the Hare’s for the March 11 run. My goal is to be healthy enough to do my part.
Oh, and I learned something new today—well, at least the term for it–a Grocer’s Apostrophe. The link is to a website called Grammar Monster. How scary is that? Anyway, I fuck up apostrophes with some regularity, but not on the scale of my comma errors. Still, it was a good read, even if the lesson doesn’t take in my addled brain.

Today’s Quora Q&A is presented without apology:
Q: How would a 6’0 ft tall man and a 5’7 ft tall woman look like next to each other?
A: The man would look three inches taller. Unless the woman was wearing high heels…
Your daily dose of humor, like it or not:

Okay, I am working my way through a mostly lazy Tuesday now. I’ll find the strength to make it out to the Kokomo floating bar later, though. You’ve got to enjoy life while you can, right?
About those apostrophes…
I’m one of the Hare’s for the March 11 run.
See the apostrophe error? You almost never use an apostrophe when pluralizing. The only exception is if it’s a matter of clarity.
WRONG: in the 1930’s
RIGHT: in the 1930s
WRONG: We met the Williams’/William’s yesterday.
RIGHT: We met the Williams family/Williamses yesterday.
WRONG: There were a lot of rabbit’s at the fair.
RIGHT: There were a lot of rabbits at the fair.
For all of the above, if it’s plural, there’s no apostrophe. One exception:
WRONG: My son always gets As.
RIGHT: My son always gets A’s. (or: gets “A”s.)
In the above example, the apostrophe clarifies that the word isn’t “as,” but rather the plural of “A.”
Anyway, I fuck up apostrophes with some regularity, but not on the scale of my comma errors. Still, it was a good read, even if the lesson doesn’t take in my addled brain.
So the “Hare’s” mistake was intentionally left in as a lead-up to the concept of the “grocer’s apostrophe”?
Good luck with those lungs. If you’re suddenly no longer able to tackle hills, that’s pretty serious. May the doc(s) find a cure, or at least a reprieve.
Looking forward to a review of “Shameless.” And how’s “Blue Eye Samurai” going?
“The man would look three inches taller.” Perhaps he could look 5 inches taller, according to my math.
Okay, I am not a mathematician, but isn’t the difference between 6′ and 5’7″ closer to 5 inches than 3 inches? LOL
Re: Hills – life is all about adapting. if hill climbs are not in your future, appears that there are plenty of interesting flatland walks. I would think that you could also take a trike or Jeepney to the top of some hills and work your way down.
Anyway, hope you are able to get into the pulmonary doc and get some worthwhile feedback one way or the other.
Brian, geez, I posted that Quora answer two years ago and it has had over two thousand views. Nothing like telling the world, “hey, look at me! I’m stupid!”
Yeah, at least I can still walk, even if I can’t climb. One option might be to increase the distance I go when walking flat.
Terry, yep, it doesn’t add up. I have no idea what I was thinking. Oh, wait. I wasn’t.
Kev, damn, the hits just keep on comin’. I had considered doing “apostrophe’s” as a joke, but the “hare’s” thing was just me being my usual stupid self. And then I put an exclamation point on dumb by posting that Quora answer that didn’t add up. Ignorance abounds!
Yeah, I’m not ready to give up the hope that I’ll regain whatever I need to do some hills again. In the meantime, I’ll keep going flat as best I can.
Yes, I’m feeling guilty about the delay in writing about “Shameless.” I hesitate to call it a review; I’m just going to share some thoughts and perspectives. I’m only on episode three of “Blue Eye Samurai,” just haven’t had much TV time lately. I’ll get back on it soon!
One option might be to increase the distance I go when walking flat.
Good idea. Might I suggest the 10-15K range at least every other day?