Cristy is the #1 player in the Barretto Singles League. We had a nice end-of-the-season round robin tournament for the Stars (upper) division players yesterday. In the championship round, Cristy kicked things off by beating Espie 5-2. I played Espie next and also won 5-2. That set up a finals best of seven match between me and Cristy. Cristy won the first two 501 legs, and I won the following two cricket legs. So, it came down to 301 DIDO (double in/double out). Cristy took both and earned the 1000 pesos first prize money.

On the other board, the remaining three Stars players competed for the Best of the Rest prize money (500 pesos), and Billy prevailed. So, the tournament results matched how things played out over the course of the season–Cristy first, me second, Espie third, and Billy fourth.

Padz was working at the tournament venue, Alley Cats, and was looking especially lovely in a sexy dress. I snuck this picture of her

But wait, it gets worse. I’d asked her earlier if she remembered those days in grade school when kids would pass notes to each other. She laughed and said yes. So, before I went to play my championship match with Cristy, I passed her a note like I would have as a kid. She never said anything, but as I was leaving the bar she came over to me and put something in my pocket. When I got outside I took it out and had a look:

Alright, enough of that. This morning’s internet trolling led me to an interesting article written by a person who retired in Mexico–“7 downsides of living in a beach town”. What I found interesting is they are the same kind of things I bitch about here in the Philippines, especially #2–the noise. Then I got to thinking “what do Mexico and the Philippines have in common? Well, how about centuries of Spanish colonization? Those bastards!
I also deemed it time to make a pot roast in the slow cooker. I had bought a brisket roast from my meat lady, and it was now defrosted and ready to go. I sliced it up and put it in the crockpot. Then I poured in some pepperoncini, mushrooms, corn, peas, tomato, and onions. Reached on the shelf for my seasoning mix, and wala (Tagalog for none), nothing for pot roast or beef stew. Damn, now what? It goes against my nature, but I went on the internet and found a recipe for making my own seasoning. I had most of the ingredients and made a couple of creative substitutions (Italian spice covers a wide range, right?) for the ones I didn’t. One difference was that this is a rub, not something I could just pour on as usual. Oh well, I pulled the meat slices up from the bottom and rubbed on my seasoning. I also put some in water and poured it in for old times sake.

And finally, there’s this. I got one of those Facebook messages from a person I’ve never met in person. She was looking for work and asked if I needed a housekeeper. I told her I already had someone for that, but asked if she did massage. She told me she could and so I made arrangements to give her a try out today.

I did as much due diligence as I could. We have several mutual friends on Facebook. I looked through some of her posts there and saw she had two children. When I met her today, she told me she had worked in Alaska Club previously.
She gave me an okay massage and then asked if I wanted anything else? Shit, is there more than one answer to that question when the person asking looks like the girl in that picture above? So yeah, I opted for the happy ending. It probably looked something like this:

She seemed satisfied with the compensation I provided (2500 pesos), at least she gave me a hug. Then I walked her out to the subdivision gate. I asked “how old are you anyway?” and guessed 22. She laughed and responded 19. Yikes! Legal but scary. Youngest I’ve been with since I was, well, 19. It’s a whole other world here, that’s for sure.
Congrats to Cristy on her victory, and congrats to you on making it to #2.
I didn’t know you could put a rub on meat that’s going into the slow-cooker. Won’t the rub simply float off in the water? Normally, rubs are for meat that you bake, roast, or barbecue. Anyway, good luck with that. I hope it tastes good.
Mari looks nice. Do you think you will see her again or was this a one time thing?
Kev, well the recipe mentioned slow cookers, so I don’t know. There wasn’t much liquid when it started cooking, and the meat was on top. It turned out fine, actually. More robust than my store-bought spice mix, but quite tasty. Shared it with the helper and downstairs neighbors and they all liked it too.
QP, I wouldn’t see Mari again for anything other than a massage–way to young for me! I’m going to wait and see if she starts pestering me for “emergencies” or other non-work-related requests. If she plays it straight, I’d give it another whirl. Otherwise, not.